Can't install VSCode Modern Fortran - not signed by marketplace

I have encountered what looks like the same problem as in this topic, and attempted to solve it by reinstalling VSCode and then all the extensions. The Modern Fortran extension cannot be installed from within VSCode because “this extension is not signed by the Extension Marketplace”:

I have been able to install other extensions with no trouble, so even though the extension webpage doesn’t indicate any problem I think there is something wrong.


I’ll have a look. Maybe our verification tokens expired and I have to update them


Thank you for looking into this! I encountered the same issue and I really need to download the extension soon to start my assignment :sob:. If you could update the verification tokens when you have a chance, it would be a great help!

Yep I’m having the exact same issue

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should be fixed now

I’m still encountering the error: ‘This extension is not signed by the Extension Marketplace’ when trying to install the extension in VSCode.

in vscode insiders things seem to work, on the latest vscode I seem to also be having issues. I am not sure why this would be the case but you can install manually by pressing that gear icon. Our publisher is verified with Microsoft so I will have to reach out to them as to why this happening


I still had the same issue a few minutes ago, I was still able to download though.

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I still get the same thing. Very odd.


For me it was a trivial detail: clicking the gear to the right to the “install” button there was a different install path that worked directly
(also, I opened VSC app "as an administrator ". You can do this by right clicking over the VSC app icon)

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I have confirmed that the extension can be installed this way, though a warning dialog still appears with the same message about the extension being unsigned. This is concerning for users working in a security-conscious setting.

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I use Remote - SSH in VSCode to connect to my server. When I try to download the Modern Fortran after connecting, I will get an error message saying, “Extension is not signed.” Any solutions for this issue?

To be blunt, anyone working in a security-conscious setting should not be downloading anything from the public VSCode marketplace at all, it’s a ticking time bomb of security vulnerabilities: 1/6 | How We Hacked Multi-Billion Dollar Companies in 30 Minutes Using a Fake VSCode Extension | by Amit Assaraf | Medium

Still seeing this issue in VSCode version 1.95.3

You can use this command

ext install fortran-lang.linter-gfortran

And install fortls through pipx and add Fortran Fortls Path as


It worked for me 4 days ago

This is still happening to me.

What is ext?

You have to download the Modern Fortran extension [.vslx] file. Then this command will open a window to let you point to that file for installation.
ext means external I guess.

I understood from your description that I am supposed to install that extension through this command but where does it come from? There is no ext command on my OS.

Sorry for the ambuiguity.
By command I meant command in VS code.
Just type

ctrl + shift + p

It will allow you to run commands. Then type:

ext install fortran-lang.linter-gfortran

A window will open - you can point to the downloaded .vslx file.

Now I think you can even avoid all these
There is an install option when you click the settings.

Happy Fortranning !

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