Best way to implement function currying


I want to optimize a function of several variables with respect to one particular variable.
What is a good practice to implement function currying, i.e. given f(x,y), define g(y) = f(x=\bar x)(y) with some fixed \bar x?

From recent related topic, one can use module variables, but do I understand correctly
that this is not a threadsafe solution? Can this be done with pure procedures?

I’m not very experienced in Fortran, can I write a function that returns another function?

! gfortran -o currying currying.f90
module currying

  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : rk => real64

  real(rk), protected :: factor


  pure real(rk) function mult(x,y)
    real(rk), intent(in) :: x
    real(rk), intent(in) :: y
    mult = x*y
  end function mult

  subroutine init_currying(factor_value)
    real(rk), intent(in) :: factor_value
    factor = factor_value
  end subroutine init_currying

  pure real(rk) function mult_currying(x)
    real(rk), intent(in) :: x
    mult_currying = mult(factor,x)
  end function mult_currying

end module currying

program test

  use currying

  write(*, *) mult(2.0_rk,2.0_rk)
  call init_currying(2.0_rk)
  write(*, *) mult_currying(2.0_rk)
  write(*, *)

  write(*, *) mult(3.0_rk,2.0_rk)
  call init_currying(3.0_rk)
  write(*, *) mult_currying(2.0_rk)
  write(*, *)

end program test

! ./currying                       
!    4.0000000000000000     
!    4.0000000000000000     

!    6.0000000000000000     
!    6.0000000000000000 

Currying in the LISP sense is not possible - Fortran does not allow you to construct functions. (Well, you can work around that limitation in a certain way (*))

The example code you show is quite close to what you can achieve. Maybe define a generic interface, so that mult can take either one or two arguments, so that you effectively hide the currying step.

Module variables are indeed not thread-safe, but that is actually beyond the Fortran standard. Such variables are accessible from any routine that uses the module. You could consider using coarrays if this is an important issue for you (or OpenMP/MPI as alternative multithreading paradigms).

What you can also do is use an object-oriented approach: a derived type holding the factor and the functions:

! curry.f90 --
!     Illustrate currying with an OO approach
module currying
    implicit none

    type :: function_t
        real :: factor
        procedure :: mult_xy => mult_x_y
        procedure :: mult_x =>  mult_x_factor
        generic   :: mult => mult_xy, mult_x
    end type

real function mult_x_y( this, x, y )
    class(function_t) :: this
    real, intent(in) :: x, y

    mult_x_y = x * y
end function mult_x_y

real function mult_x_factor( this, x )
    class(function_t) :: this
    real, intent(in) :: x

    mult_x_factor = x * this%factor
end function mult_x_factor
end module currying

program test_currying
    use currying

    type(function_t) :: f

    f%factor = 2.0  ! Lazy, should provide init_currying

    write(*,*) f%mult(3.0, 2.0)
    write(*,*) f%mult(3.0)
end program test_currying



(*) Constructing “functions” on the fly a be done - I have illustrated that in my 2012 book Modern Fortran in practice. Whether it is a useful technique in your case, is, however, an open question.

The body of mult_x_factor above shoudl of course be:

mult_x_factor = this%mult_x_y(x, this%factor)

Great answer, thank you. Your solution can be used with array arguments of variable length (I don’t think that my can be), an allocatable component can be added to the type and an init procedure.

For now, the easiest way for me is to include all variables directly in optimization routine.

I also think the “function object” approach will be nice :+1:

RE multi-threading, the “firstprivate” directive may be useful, but I hope someone familiar with OpenMP will chime in…

module currying
  real(rk), protected :: factor
  !$omp threadprivate( factor )
end module

program test
  use currying
  implicit none
  real(rk) x
  integer i

!$omp parallel do default(none) private(i,x)
  do i = 1, 3
      x = i
      print *, "mult          = ", mult( x, x )
      call init_currying( x )
      print *, "mult_currying = ", mult_currying( x )
!$omp end parallel do

end program test

$ gfortran-10 -fopenmp test.f90 && ./a.out
 mult          =    1.0000000000000000     
 mult          =    9.0000000000000000     
 mult          =    4.0000000000000000     
 mult_currying =    1.0000000000000000     
 mult_currying =    9.0000000000000000     
 mult_currying =    4.0000000000000000

More directly addressing the original question, how about

module curry
real :: barx
function f(xo,y)
real,optional :: xo
real :: y
if (present(xo))
x = xo
x = barx
! compute f using x and y
end function f
end module

Then g(y) is the same as f(y). You would need to externally have a USE of the module to define barx, or initialize it in the module is the default value is normally the same. [Correction: g(y) is the same as f(y=y)].