@certik Regarding the draft by Bader per se (at present state of the tools around), I would like to break some lines in the examples. Some comments are a bit long (which shows especially in the approach with groff, though its template used already adjusts for wider line lengths). I’m not aware about material to extend the content. An other thought is if I should add/intentionally not add a license tag on this; it is Bader’s work thus copyright (if it were a book, for at least additional 50 years post mortem in countries member of the Berne convention).
On the side about programs used to compile the pdf: there are couple of observations which lead to feature requests (e.g., \text{}
of LaTeX is unknown to rst2pdf (link), but not to rst2html of docutils; I just note I didn’t check yet how does it work for sphinx). If these bumps (and couple of others either not yet figured out myself, or else filed) were resolved for the better, I would like to repeat the compilation with e.g., less numerous corrections sed introduces via the Makefile.