Arrays of pointers

Fortran, as we know, does not provide arrays of pointers as such. The workaround is to define a derived type containing a pointer and then an array of that type. It works but requires one additional level of referencing.

I am curious why is it so? Why the Standard creators choose not to introduce raw arrays of pointers?

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Attention @m_b_metcalf , you may be able to answer OP’s question better than most!

@msz59 , not that I have succeeding in finding anything definitive and can point to any profound wisdom. But anecdotally the few discussions I have seen allude to the fact an array of multiple ranks is effectively a built-in first-class container in Fortran and any notions of safety with pointers given a decade plus of their practice with C etc. by the time of Fortran 90 with its focus on scientific and technical computing gave weight to use cases where the facility is better designed as an alias to Fortran objects that can be of rank 0 thru’ rank-N. Thus the raw pointer of languages such as C, where an array is itself a pointer basically, didn’t seem to fit into the scheme of things.

What would you propose to be the syntax for a “raw” array of pointers?

I have no easy answer. The current syntax:

real, pointer :: p
real, pointer :: pt(:)

is, IMHO, a bit confusing and I guess that for many newcomers the second declaration seems to be, at first look, pt is an array of real pointers, just as the first is obviously p is a real pointer, just as real :: x, xtab(5) declares that x is a real variable and xtab is an array of 5 reals.

I only hope that the syntax clash between pointer to an array and hypothetical array of pointers is not the only reason for banning the latter.

As it is now, it would probably require introducing some extra syntax mechanism, like, e.g.

real, pointerarray :: real_pointers(20)

Basically, because it would imply the existence of ‘ragged’ arrays, which would have serious implementation issues. This is alluded to in my descrition of ponters at Fortran 95 language features - Wikipedia.

HTH, a litle,


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Thanks for the explanation.

BTW, the Wikipedia page you mention might be worth updating, as it states (correctly for F95 but not anymore):

Pointer arguments
If an actual argument is a pointer then, if the dummy argument is also a pointer,
it may not have the INTENT attribute (it would be ambiguous),

My idea regarding synax was to use curly brackets to signal an array of things with components of varying lengths.

For pointers,

Real, Pointer :: a{10}

For deferred length strings

Character(LEN=:) :: strings{10}

I’m sure there are some “gotchas” I’m not seeing but I think this would work as an alternative to embedding pointers and deferred strings in derived types at least from a syntax perspective.

Is that really all that much different that the existing notation, which would be something like

type(pointerarray) :: real_pointer(20)

I do think that pointerarray (or whatever it would be called) should be an intrinsic type within the standard rather than user-defined. If the type were intrinsic, that would standardize the notation, enhance portability, facilitate the interchange of data between different libraries that use this type, and so on.

I am not sure what is your point. There has to be a notion of type to which the pointer references. So you would have to define quite a bunch of types. All intrinsic?

@msz59 , @rwmsu ,

Re: " Why the Standard creators choose not to introduce raw arrays of pointers?" you will note the next question that comes up, as seen in this thread, is why not “introduce raw arrays of pointers” now?

Toward this, you will realize there are a couple of considerations:

  1. The primary use case brought up by the few practitioners who have expressed interest in this facility has been in the context of interoperability with C where one occasionally comes across codes making use of arrays of pointers to C structs. Under the circumstances a true Fortran facility toward “raw arrays of pointers” is likely not going to be directly interoperable anyway and in that case, a whole another edifice in the context of further enhancements to the interoperability with C needs to be built and that is not straightforward.
  2. In the context of Fortran itself, where things stand, any work toward this points toward another intrinsic derived type in an intrinsic module, a la type(c_ptr). Somehow there is great hesitancy toward this among the standard bearers, especially among the compiler vendors. Under the circumstances, trying something out first in Fortran stdlib might be preferable. That may provide further insight into the benefits of such a type.

Now in the context of interoperability of Fortran with C that makes use of arrays of pointers to C structs and perhaps a pointer to such an array, surely there is need to be careful with the indirections on the Fortran side. But note most on the standard committee will find the language standard already provides the tools and mechanisms and it is no more “tricky” than what a coder in C has to keep in mind - see an example below. Thus this will likely not be a priority.

// Example with C array of pointers to structures
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
   int data;
} DAT;
typedef DAT *PDAT;

void Fsub(PDAT *, size_t);   // Prototype Fortran sub toward an array of pointers to a C struct
void Csub(PDAT **, size_t);  // Prototype C function toward a pointer to an array of pointers to a C struct

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    enum N { N = 3 };

    PDAT *adat = malloc((int)N * sizeof(PDAT));

    for (int i = 0; i < (int)N; i++) {
        adat[i] = malloc(sizeof(DAT));

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        adat[i]->data = i;

    Csub(&adat, (size_t)N);
    Fsub(adat, (size_t)N);

    return 0;

void Csub(PDAT **x, size_t n) {
    if (n >= 3) {
        printf("In Csub: (*x)[2]->data = %d\n", (*x)[2]->data);
  • A “library” procedure in Fortran working with the type of code above
module m
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int, c_size_t, c_ptr, c_f_pointer, c_intptr_t, c_loc
      subroutine Csub(px, n) bind(C, name="Csub")
         import :: c_ptr, c_size_t
         ! Argument list
         type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: px  !<-- Note no VALUE attribute
         integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: n
      end subroutine 
   end interface
   type, bind(C) :: aptrs_t
      type(c_ptr) :: ptr
   end type
   type, bind(C) :: dat_t
      integer(c_int) :: data
   end type
   subroutine Fsub(px, n) bind(C, name="Fsub")
      ! Argument list
      type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: px   !<-- Note the VALUE attribute
      integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: n
      ! Local variables
      type(aptrs_t), pointer :: aptrs(:)   !<-- A local object for indirection
      type(dat_t), pointer :: pdat
      integer(c_int) :: x 
      ! Error handling elided for invalid values of n
      call c_f_pointer( cptr=px, fptr=aptrs, shape=[ n ] )
      ! Work with 3rd element
      call c_f_pointer( cptr=aptrs(3)%ptr, fptr=pdat )
      x = 42
      print *, "In Fortran sub: set data of 3rd element to = ", x
      pdat%data = x
      call Csub(px, n)
      aptrs => null()
      pdat => null()
   end subroutine 
end module 
  • Compiler response:
C:\temp>gfortran c.c f.f90 -o c.exe

In Csub: (*x)[2]->data = 2
 In Fortran sub: set data of 3rd element to =           42
In Csub: (*x)[2]->data = 42


That’s an interesting suggestion but, to be consistent, one would have to go through the whole article noting where former restrictions and limits have been relaxed. A much better idea would be for someone to write a comparable entry on Fortran 2018!
