Array intrinsics performances/accuracy

Coming from the Some Intrinsic SUMS discussion:

For the scalar/elemental intrinsic functions, and even though the standard doesn’t specify any implementation detail (AFAIK?), the widely adopted convention for decades is “accuracy first” (at least by default, maybe some wild compiler options can change that…). Nobody would accept a sin() function with only 10^{-2} accuracy.

With array reduction functions (sums, dot_product, …) or even matmul() as it needs underlying sums, it’s clearly different… to the surprise of some users. Should the standard be more specific? It could, but it could be also a Pandora’s box. Some users will find the accuracy of the pairwise summation good enough, but other ones will want the the full monty with the Kahan summation. Then some others will complain that it’s not as fast as a naive do loops…

These functions are somehow falling between two chairs: if the standard was not including them, people would probably complain, but at the moment they exist, people (sometimes fairly) expect them to fill all possible usage cases. I really don’t know what is the solution to this problem.

My personal view at the moment is that all intrinsic array transformation functions are just commodities, and that we should not expect something smarter than a naive implementation (for both the performances and the accuracy). Anything smarter should be delegated to the standard library, which has 2 huge advantages:

  • a much faster development cycle than the revisions of the standard
  • a mutualized effort, the compiler vendors don’t have to separately reinvent the wheel

Of course, in an ideal world, this assumes that the compiler vendors take their part in the development of the standard library…


A way forward on this might be to define new real kinds. So kind=3 might be a 4- byte real with reduced precision, so also kind=5 ,6 or 7 for 8- byte reals. Then the user could use existing language constructs to specify what is required. Of course the actual kind numbers are compiler-specific but the standard need only specify that the kinds should exist.

Another way forward for f202y might be having an optional argument of the array reduction functions to let the user choose best accuracy or fastest speed.

I dislike the concept of kinds in general. It was a mistake looking back, and should not be extended further.

Different “kinds” of real and integer variables should be expressed by their bit size, as in iso_fortran_env, and I would appreciate the standard to solidify “selected_real_kind(6) must equal real32,” likewise “selected_real_kind(15) must equal real64,” and “selected_real_kind(33) must equal real128.” I am happy to see real16 being added. I would also like to see 1 bit logicals added, but alas.

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I just want hardware support for higher precision in AVX registers; real16 should be provided and possibly real10 which solved these accuracy problems many years ago.

Back in 80’s with 8087 hardware, we wouldn’t need this thread!

And what if there exists 2 floating point types with the same size? It’s not uncommon. IBM compilers were (are?) providing both the IEEE754 32bits real, and the legacy 32 bits IBM floatinf point format. Also 128 bits floating points can be either IEE754 quadruple precision or a “double-double” implementation, and both can coexist.

Fortran is not supposed to run only on x86 machines. Some other architectures simply don’t have a native 80 bits floating point.

Two floating point types with the same size is uncommon !
The only occurrence I know of is VAX and although two are available, they were not available in the same executable. The VAX 64-bit, high precision, low exponent range option had limited suitability for my work.
Importantly, they are not available in AVX / SIMD registers.
Does IBM support different floating point formats with different KIND values or is this similar to the VAX restrictions ? The last IBM hardware I used was the XT which might have supported 8087!

“Some other architectures simply don’t have a native 80 bits floating point.”
My comment was that most 64-bit architectures/hardware now don’t support better than 64 bit AVX floating point, which is a problem. 8087 did!

I am vague on what 80 bit registers are now available, as one of my development 64-bit compilers (Silverfrost) does not support real*10 and the other (Gfortran) does not support 10-byte formats and I don’t know if it is hardware supported or merely emulated.

To the best I can determine, no hardware I use has better than 64-bit AVX, which if they support 32/64 bit alternatives, why not also 128 bit or possibly 80 bit (or 96 bit) ?

I think this idea is already obsolete. IEEE supports both a binary and a decimal format that occupies 64 bits. There is already hardware that supports these formats. However, I don’t know of any fortran compilers that support the decimal format.

Uncommon does not mean impossible. As soon as several fp representations can have the same size, expressing the kinds in terms of bits or bytes is not always possible.

The IBM machines I’m talking about were with the POWERPC cpus, and running AIX as the OS. There were 2 32 bits floating points kinds available, and yes they necessarily had different kind values.

I think decimal number would/will require a fully different type, along with integer and real, with its own kind set a values.

Why? It seems like the real KIND system is sufficient to handle decimal floating point. Even the fortran standard itself is written in terms of a general radix.

Also, regarding the general issue of multiple floating point formats, there was also the DEC VAX in the 1980s that supported two different 64-bit floating point formats, with different exponent ranges and mantissa lengths. I thought that would have been an ideal way to showcase the fortran KIND system, but there was never a f90 compiler distributed for the VAX. The later RISC-based DEC computers, only supported the two different floating point formats by converting from one to the other, they were never fully supported as two separate KINDs in the later fortran compilers.

You’re correct, I thought the decimal floating point numbers could not fit into the real model of the standard, but it’s just radix=10. I was probably confusing with fixed point numbers.

I think you want two versions of intrinsics like sin and matmul:

  • high accuracy, but slower
  • high performance, but less accurate

And select it somehow, whether via a specific real kind, or a command line option or some other mechanism.

At one point, NVIDIA planned to release to open source their floating point library that supported something like

  • precise: best possible precision; I think down to 0.5 ULPs
  • fast: less precise but faster; down to something like 2-3 ULPS?
  • relaxed: very fast; even less precise

There was a lot of runtime support for things like choosing which version to run with, and even selecting which intrinsics to run precise vs. a default of fast.

It might be in LLVM Flang, or heading there, or not. I don’t know any more.

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Compiler optimization seems to have a huge impact on both performance and accuracy for the same algorithm

I have been playing with the following code to test various methods of computing the sum of a 1D array:

module sums
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: sp=>real32, dp=>real64, i32=>int32, i64=>int64
implicit none

    interface wrap_sum
        module procedure wrap_sum_sp
    end interface wrap_sum

    interface hpa_sum
        module procedure hpa_sum_sp
    end interface hpa_sum

    interface rp_sum
        module procedure rp_sum_sp
        module procedure rp_sum_chunks_sp
    end interface rp_sum

    interface p_sum
        module procedure p_sum_sp
        module procedure p_sum_chunks_sp
    end interface p_sum

    integer, parameter :: default_chunk = 2

    public :: wrap_sum, hpa_sum, rp_sum, p_sum


        pure function wrap_sum_sp(x) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            real(sp) :: y
            y = sum(x)
        end function wrap_sum_sp

        pure function hpa_sum_sp(x) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            real(sp) :: y
            real(dp) :: temp
            temp = sum(real(x, dp))
            y = temp
        end function hpa_sum_sp

        pure recursive function rp_sum_sp(x) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            real(sp) :: y
            integer :: n
            n = size(x)
            if ( then
                y = rp_sum(x(1:n/2)) + rp_sum(x(n/2+1:n))
                y = sum(x)
            end if
        end function rp_sum_sp

        pure recursive function rp_sum_chunks_sp(x, chunk_size) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: chunk_size
            real(sp) :: y
            integer :: n
            n = size(x)
            if ( then
                y = rp_sum(x(1:n/2), chunk_size) + rp_sum(x(n/2+1:n), chunk_size)
                y = sum(x)
            end if
        end function rp_sum_chunks_sp

        pure function p_sum_sp(x) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            real(sp) :: y, work(int((int(size(x), i64)+1_i64)/int(default_chunk, i64), i32))
            integer :: n, i, j, jmax, levels
            n = size(x)
            if ( then
                do i=1,size(work)
                    work(i) = sum(x((i-1)*default_chunk+1:min(i*default_chunk,n)))
                end do
                jmax = size(work)
                levels = ceiling(log(real(size(work)))/log(2.0))
                do i=1,levels
                    do j=1,jmax
                        work(j) = sum(work((j-1)*2+1:min(j*2,jmax)))
                    end do
                    jmax = ceiling(real(jmax)/2.0)
                end do
                y = work(1)
                y = sum(x)
            end if
        end function p_sum_sp

        pure function p_sum_chunks_sp(x, chunk_size) result(y)
            real(sp), intent(in) :: x(:)
            integer, intent(in) :: chunk_size
            real(sp) :: y, work(int((int(size(x), i64)+1_i64)/int(chunk_size, i64), i32))
            integer :: n, i, j, jmax, levels
            n = size(x)
            if ( then
                do i=1,size(work)
                    work(i) = sum(x((i-1)*chunk_size+1:min(i*chunk_size,n)))
                end do
                jmax = size(work)
                levels = ceiling(log(real(size(work)))/log(2.0))
                do i=1,levels
                    do j=1,jmax
                        work(j) = sum(work((j-1)*2+1:min(j*2,jmax)))
                    end do
                    jmax = ceiling(real(jmax)/2.0)
                end do
                y = work(1)
                y = sum(x)
            end if
        end function p_sum_chunks_sp

end module sums

program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, sp=>real32, dp=>real64, qp=>real128, i64=>int64
use, non_intrinsic :: sums
implicit none

    integer, parameter :: n = 123456, trials = 10000, jmin = 1, jmax = 19, jinc = 1
    real(sp) :: xsp(n), ysp, yref_sp, elapsed
    integer(i64) :: c1, c2, cr
    integer :: i, j, chunk_size
    write(*,'(a,a)') 'COMPILER: ',compiler_version()
    write(*,'(a,a)') 'OPTIONS: ',compiler_options()
    write(*,'(a)') ''
    xsp = 0.1_sp**6
    write(*,'(2(a,i0),a,e13.6)') 'n: ',n,', trials: ',trials,', xsp(1:n)=',xsp(n)
    yref_sp = n*(0.1_sp**6)
    write(*,'(a50,e13.6)') '32-Bit EXACT SUM: ',yref_sp
    call system_clock(c1, cr)
    do i=1,trials
        ysp = sum(xsp)
    end do
    call system_clock(c2)
    elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
    write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6))') '32-Bit INTRINSIC -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials)
    call system_clock(c1, cr)
    do i=1,trials
        ysp = wrap_sum(xsp)
    end do
    call system_clock(c2)
    elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
    write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6))') '32-Bit WRAPPED-INTRINSIC -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials)
    call system_clock(c1, cr)
    do i=1,trials
        ysp = hpa_sum(xsp)
    end do
    call system_clock(c2)
    elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
    write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6))') '32-Bit HIGH-PRECISION ACCUMULATOR -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials)
    call system_clock(c1, cr)
    do i=1,trials
        ysp = rp_sum(xsp)
    end do
    call system_clock(c2)
    elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
    write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6))') '32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials)
    call system_clock(c1, cr)
    do i=1,trials
        ysp = p_sum(xsp)
    end do
    call system_clock(c2)
    elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
    write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6))') '32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials)
    do j=jmin,jmax,jinc
        chunk_size = 2**j
        call system_clock(c1, cr)
        do i=1,trials
            ysp = rp_sum(xsp, chunk_size)
        end do
        call system_clock(c2)
        elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
        write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6),i8)') '32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials),chunk_size
        call system_clock(c1, cr)
        do i=1,trials
            ysp = p_sum(xsp, chunk_size)
        end do
        call system_clock(c2)
        elapsed = real(max(c2 - c1, 1_i64))/real(cr)
        write(*,'(a50,2(e13.6),i8)') '32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time: ',ysp,elapsed/real(trials),chunk_size
    end do

    write(*,'(a)') ''
end program main

The various algorithms being tested are:

  • INTRINSIC - the language intrinsic function sum seems to often be implemented as a simple loop. Performance is very good, but accuracy suffers as one would expect.
  • wrap_sum - this is a pure function that calls the intrinsic sum, and really only serves to measure the overhead of replacing the inline, intrinsic sum with a function call.
  • hpa_sum - the “High-Precision Accumulator” summing function uses sum(real(INPUT_ARRAY, real64)) internally. This is the benchmark for accuracy, as well as performance. At least on my (relatively modern) hardware, the conversion from real32 to real64 seems to be nearly free.
  • rp_sum - the “Recursive-Pairwise” summing function is as the name implies, a recursive implementation of pairwise summation. It is also available with a user-supplied CHUNK_SIZE that will determine when to start accumulating (rather than the default 2 elements).
  • p_sum - this is an iterative implementation of the above algorithm, and is also available with the user-selected CHUNK_SIZE. Performance of the iterative vs recursive version seems highly dependent on compiler + options.

Various compiler options tested are:

  • gfortran -O3 - This seems to be a common optimization level people post here. -O3 should remain “safe” while doing all of the loop things the compiler can. On my machine, p_sum with chunk_size=32 seems to yield the best performance while maintaining the correct answer, matching hpa_sum.
Performance: gfortran -O3
COMPILER: GCC version 13.1.1 20230429
OPTIONS: -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -O3 -fpre-include=/usr/include/finclude/math-vector-fortran.h

n: 123456, trials: 10000, xsp(1:n)= 0.100000E-05
                                32-Bit EXACT SUM:  0.123456E+00
                 32-Bit INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.779044E-04
         32-Bit WRAPPED-INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.775578E-04
32-Bit HIGH-PRECISION ACCUMULATOR -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.781084E-04
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.325740E-03
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.203253E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.351616E-03       2
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.214255E-03       2
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.192748E-03       4
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.112471E-03       4
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.106952E-03       8
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.606991E-04       8
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.588933E-04      16
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.388042E-04      16
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.449248E-04      32
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.329614E-04      32
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.422338E-04      64
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.340916E-04      64
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.471615E-04     128
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.438817E-04     128
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.604450E-04     256
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.609737E-04     256
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.688568E-04     512
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.691470E-04     512
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.731949E-04    1024
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.729839E-04    1024
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.754217E-04    2048
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.754260E-04    2048
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.764888E-04    4096
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.764913E-04    4096
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123443E+00 0.772849E-04    8192
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122869E+00 0.766319E-04    8192
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123464E+00 0.771745E-04   16384
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.114696E+00 0.720122E-04   16384
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.775248E-04   32768
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.983109E-01 0.619083E-04   32768
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123367E+00 0.778058E-04   65536
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.654852E-01 0.416639E-04   65536
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.782052E-04  131072
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.781921E-04  131072
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.781681E-04  262144
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.782069E-04  262144
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.781451E-04  524288
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.782358E-04  524288
  • gfortran -O3 -flto - Allowing the compiler to further optimize at link-time via -flto changes things up a bit. Now, the recursive rp_sum with chunk_size=32 measures fastest on my machine. You can actually see that the recursive rp_sum is significantly faster than iterative p_sum as you decrease chunk_size down to the default 2 (where the recursive method is twice as fast).
Performance: gfortran -O3 -flto
COMPILER: GCC version 13.1.1 20230429
OPTIONS: -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -O3 -flto -fpre-include=/usr/include/finclude/math-vector-fortran.h

n: 123456, trials: 10000, xsp(1:n)= 0.100000E-05
                                32-Bit EXACT SUM:  0.123456E+00
                 32-Bit INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.781882E-04
         32-Bit WRAPPED-INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.782007E-04
32-Bit HIGH-PRECISION ACCUMULATOR -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.799755E-04
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.102222E-03
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.228471E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.149437E-03       2
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.202666E-03       2
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.776630E-04       4
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.113211E-03       4
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.454511E-04       8
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.609175E-04       8
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.318196E-04      16
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.395074E-04      16
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.300746E-04      32
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.331130E-04      32
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.326088E-04      64
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.373874E-04      64
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.429449E-04     128
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.466186E-04     128
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.597046E-04     256
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.618534E-04     256
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.694541E-04     512
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.717122E-04     512
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.758849E-04    1024
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.760289E-04    1024
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.781288E-04    2048
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.781563E-04    2048
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.791697E-04    4096
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.790914E-04    4096
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123443E+00 0.798613E-04    8192
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122869E+00 0.798569E-04    8192
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123464E+00 0.803855E-04   16384
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.114696E+00 0.746117E-04   16384
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.802226E-04   32768
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.983109E-01 0.639774E-04   32768
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123367E+00 0.803992E-04   65536
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.654852E-01 0.427503E-04   65536
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.806152E-04  131072
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.805235E-04  131072
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.805765E-04  262144
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.804456E-04  262144
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.806504E-04  524288
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123311E+00 0.804857E-04  524288
  • gfortran -Ofast - Compiling with -Ofast would be nice, as it should allow further optimization at the expense of accuracy. Interestingly, we see a massive performance regression with -Ofast for the simple hpa_sum. This is the first time I started seeing the expected behavior of “larger chunk_size → better performance but lower accuracy.” In the end, p_sum with user-selected chunk_size=64 is the fastest while maintaining accuracy (for this specific test array) using these flags.
Performance: gfortran -Ofast
COMPILER: GCC version 13.1.1 20230429
OPTIONS: -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -Ofast -fpre-include=/usr/include/finclude/math-vector-fortran.h

n: 123456, trials: 10000, xsp(1:n)= 0.100000E-05
                                32-Bit EXACT SUM:  0.123456E+00
                 32-Bit INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.201231E-04
         32-Bit WRAPPED-INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.201817E-04
32-Bit HIGH-PRECISION ACCUMULATOR -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.185975E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.332306E-03
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.207084E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.363203E-03       2
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.207210E-03       2
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.199363E-03       4
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.109001E-03       4
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.109159E-03       8
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.574292E-04       8
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.558018E-04      16
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.326604E-04      16
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.322609E-04      32
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.197867E-04      32
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.201350E-04      64
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.146219E-04      64
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.163618E-04     128
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.135129E-04     128
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.160555E-04     256
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.147956E-04     256
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.164985E-04     512
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.161504E-04     512
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.189415E-04    1024
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.182092E-04    1024
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.195153E-04    2048
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.192573E-04    2048
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.200322E-04    4096
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.197797E-04    4096
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.203376E-04    8192
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.200474E-04    8192
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.202800E-04   16384
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.114688E+00 0.188345E-04   16384
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123443E+00 0.203066E-04   32768
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.982949E-01 0.160496E-04   32768
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123464E+00 0.202097E-04   65536
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.655408E-01 0.106927E-04   65536
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200050E-04  131072
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200048E-04  131072
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200048E-04  262144
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200079E-04  262144
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200056E-04  524288
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200073E-04  524288
  • gfortran -Ofast -flto - The trends from above continue. With -flto, now the recursive rp_sum is measuring faster, and accuracy is maintained to user selected chunk_size=128.
Performance: gfortran -Ofast -flto
COMPILER: GCC version 13.1.1 20230429
OPTIONS: -mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -Ofast -flto -fpre-include=/usr/include/finclude/math-vector-fortran.h

n: 123456, trials: 10000, xsp(1:n)= 0.100000E-05
                                32-Bit EXACT SUM:  0.123456E+00
                 32-Bit INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.198425E-04
         32-Bit WRAPPED-INTRINSIC -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.199907E-04
32-Bit HIGH-PRECISION ACCUMULATOR -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.184698E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.110326E-03
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.179957E-03
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.158522E-03       2
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.221054E-03       2
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.837176E-04       4
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.125978E-03       4
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.467039E-04       8
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.662764E-04       8
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.273335E-04      16
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.363717E-04      16
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.177611E-04      32
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.220076E-04      32
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.132439E-04      64
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.159370E-04      64
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.128255E-04     128
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.139189E-04     128
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.142094E-04     256
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.146052E-04     256
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.150170E-04     512
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123392E+00 0.158891E-04     512
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.177992E-04    1024
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.179189E-04    1024
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123456E+00 0.189005E-04    2048
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122880E+00 0.190103E-04    2048
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.195353E-04    4096
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.195569E-04    4096
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.198326E-04    8192
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.122881E+00 0.198258E-04    8192
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123457E+00 0.200243E-04   16384
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.114688E+00 0.186374E-04   16384
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123443E+00 0.200717E-04   32768
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.982949E-01 0.160225E-04   32768
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123464E+00 0.200451E-04   65536
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.655408E-01 0.106974E-04   65536
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200135E-04  131072
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200113E-04  131072
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200121E-04  262144
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200112E-04  262144
        32-Bit RECURSIVE-PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200140E-04  524288
                  32-Bit PAIRWISE -- result,time:  0.123475E+00 0.200149E-04  524288
1 Like

I’m not convinced this is the right overall approach. The typical usage would have different accuracy requirements at different parts of the program, so something like linking to one of three libraries would not work. At present, the programmer would need to have multiple versions of each subroutine, with different names, and call the right ones in the right places, perhaps with the right tolerances specified. That gets the job done, but it does seem like there should be a better general approach.

When you have iterative methods that themselves rely on inner iterative methods, this whole issue of specifying the right tolerances can become very complicated. If the inner iterative method isn’t accurate enough, then the outer method either expends too much effort because of slow convergence, or it doesn’t converge at all. If the inner iterative method is too accurate, then it does too much work, but it doesn’t hurt the overall convergence. That latter result is often the lessor of the evils. There is sometimes something else, an optimal choice for everything, but it can be difficult to find and it requires a lot of analysis.

To see an example of this, read about the Wolfe condition that is used in line searches to stabilize optimization method. Wolfe conditions - Wikipedia

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@RonShepard indeed, it seems being able to select it on a more granular level would be great. Do you have some ideas how to do that? With pragmas? Or importing the given function from a specific module?

different accuracy requirements at different parts of the program

This was all in one library, so this could easily be done dynamically.

We also had some customers, I think I recall, that only cared about the precision of certain transcendental functions, so they were set to “precise”, and the rest defaulted to “fast”.

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I recall that NVIDIA did it with some environment variables (for specifying the global settings you wanted for a run), but also runtime calls that could be used to tweak settings dynamically within the running program.

I don’t remember specifics. At first the discussions (years ago now) were about putting them into LLVM Flang, but there was also interest in it being a separate LLVM project.

I have no idea what happened to this since I left NVIDIA.

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Most of the time, I am attempting to use AVX instructions to achieve SIMD performance.

I don’t understand how this discussion about alternative instructions for “precision vs performance” relates to SIMD hardware options.

My understanding of history since 90’s is that on PC’s, although 8087 instructions remained for higher precision hardware computation, this was no longer a viable option when SSE and then AVX instructions became available.
Then again, I am able to use -ffast-math with AVX, so the available practical options remain confusing.

I am seeking to maximize performance of some pair (or chunk) summation algorithm for this reason. The compensated summations usually brought up give incorrect results with -Ofast on both gfortran and ifort,