While working through this year’s Advent of Code Day 2 challenge (I know, I’ve been stuck here for a while now ), I ran across this issue with deferred length character variables, a.k.a. character(len=:), allocatable
when trying to match the color string.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncolors = 3
TYPE :: color
INTEGER :: limit
END TYPE color
TYPE(color) :: colors(ncolors)
INTEGER :: c, i, j, curi, curf, ncubes, game_nrounds, round_ncolors, pos_colon
INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: pos_semicolons(:), pos_commas(:), cur_color(:)
CHARACTER(LEN=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line, word, color_str
colors(1) = color('red', 12)
colors(2) = color('green', 13)
colors(3) = color('blue', 14)
! Read line from input file
! Parse line
strarr = [(line(c:c), c = 1, LEN(line))]
pos_colon = SCAN(line, ':')
pos_semicolons = [pos_colon, PACK([(c, c = 1, LEN(line))], strarr == ';'), LEN(line)+1]
game_nrounds = SIZE(pos_semicolons) - 1
DO i = 1, game_nrounds
curi = pos_semicolons(i)
curf = pos_semicolons(i+1)
pos_commas = [curi, PACK([(c, c = curi+1, curf-1)], strarr(curi+1:curf-1) == ','), curf]
round_ncolors = SIZE(pos_commas) - 1
DO j = 1, round_ncolors
curi = pos_commas(j)
curf = pos_commas(j+1)
color_str = line(curi+1:curf-1)
READ(color_str, *) ncubes, word
cur_color = PACK([(c, c = 1, ncolors)], colors(:)%name == word)
Of course, line
is a single line read from the input file. The error message that GFortran 13.1.0 spews out is
101 | cur_color = PACK([(c, c = 1, ncolors)], colors(:)%name == word)
| 1
Error: Component to the right of a part reference with nonzero rank must not have the ALLOCATABLE attribute at (1)
Any help would be appreciated.