A problem with file reading

Casus: a file is being read, looking like so:
new line
new line
new line
new line
So relevant text blocks start and finish with * The amount of lines per block varies. The data item searching for the appropriate keys of the data to be displayed is “seek”

My question is: could the coding be improved?


10 do while string(1:1).NE.‘*’)
end do
if (index(string,seek(1:3)).NE.1) goto 10

do while string(1:1).NE.'') . . . . . the astrisk between the quotes is not being shown by the site
, string !the program uses a subroutine to print
end do

This code was generated using ChatGPT. Does it meet your expectations?

program ReadFile

   implicit none

   character(len=5)   :: keyword = "key1"
   character(len=100) :: line
   logical            :: found_keyword = .false.
   integer            :: nunit
   integer            :: status

   ! Open the file for reading
   open(newunit=nunit, file='testfile.txt', status='old', action='read')

   ! Read the file until the end or until keyword is found
       read(nunit, '(A)', iostat=status) line
       if (status < 0) exit ! End of file reached
       if (trim(line) == keyword) then
           found_keyword = .true.
   end do

   ! Print the text block for keyword
   if (found_keyword) then
           read(nunit, '(A)', iostat=status) line
           if (status < 0 .or. line(1:1) == '*') exit ! End of file or next key reached
           write(*, '(A)') line
       end do
       write(*, '(A)') 'keyword not found.'

   ! Close the file

end program ReadFile


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Sed sed metus tristique, tincidunt sapien a, consectetur felis.
Mauris eu dolor a mauris tincidunt elementum.
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Donec venenatis aliquet velit, eu scelerisque justo luctus ac.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Nam ullamcorper est non mi cursus, sed vestibulum ante pellentesque.
Proin interdum dignissim diam at mattis.
Sed sed metus tristique, tincidunt sapien a, consectetur felis.
Donec venenatis aliquet velit, eu scelerisque justo luctus ac.
Vivamus ac aliquam massa.
Sed sed metus tristique, tincidunt sapien a, consectetur felis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Nam ullamcorper est non mi cursus, sed vestibulum ante pellentesque.

Can you guarantee that “key” and “new line” don’t start with a “*” ?

Given this line is “*”, you need to:

  1. Read nexl line, as a Key, checking if it is what you want
  2. Read lines to identify end of block, ie until “*” is reached.
  3. repeat the process, as you have the start of the next block.

My logic would be to: read_next_line then respond, depending if you are in stages 1, 2 or 3

Thank you for the code ! ! !

          Got it to work :

      -  if (trim(line) == keyword) then . . .
      + if (trim(line(1:3)) == keyword(1:3)) then . . .

        "instring?" would have been better

I was unable to respond sooner, for which sorry.

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Thanks for the example of using ChatGPT !

Is this what ChatGPT generated, or did you tidy it up ?

It is interesting that the code is not correct, as my understanding of the thread is a keyword can only follow a terminator line “*”

Not sure about the single * terminator selection either, as **** might have been a stronger terminator ?

The code was generated entirely using GPT, and I didn’t expect it to compile correctly without any errors. Therefore, I hastily posted it here without making any changes (except for adding ‘nunit’). I thought GPT could provide a quick idea.

That is certainly the case. It will be interesting to see where this approach can take us.