A call for fixing legacy code (read on Mastodon)

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I clicked on the link. Effectively a dead end as you have to create an account. :frowning:

Oh, yes.
On his Mastodon account I see he had a Twitter account, probably closed: twitter.com/LostPets
but no other address.

If someone is interested, I could send him a private message on Mastodon with a way to communicate with you.

I don’t think so. JavaScript has to be enabled, though.
Edit: I see, he does not provide an e-mail address.

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I was just curious. I’ve over the age limit :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m over the limit too. Maybe we should file an age discrimination lawsuit :slightly_smiling_face:

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Looks like a joke, doesn’t it?

An oxymoron?

If any of the “legacy code” is in Fortran 66, they should probably be courting folks older than 66, since those are the programmers who are more likely to have experience with Fortran 66!

Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t cc me on that post… (@arclight@oldbytes.space if you do Mastodon/Fediverse/ActivityPub stuff). I’ve been posting a lot recently about recovering F66 & F77 codes from the 80s and I may have set him off. :slight_smile: