

My Goal is and has been to Train Educators: Continuous Modeling, Simulation’s & (Mathematical) Optimizations. Optimizations require an Objective (function). Today’s Engineers & Scientists solve problems with a “Find X” mind-set. With some Operational Research training they could expand their thinking to a “Find X to Optimize Y” mind-set. Then they would be ready for Optimizations, Calculus-level programming and software. (This would drop today’s design times that require months even man years to one or two days! Manufacturing processes could be optimized to the days demand and thus maximize their profits.)

Find X to Optimize Y” thinking among professors will cause most Engineering & Science textbooks to be rewritten with optimization examples and discussions. This will be great stuff for industries and government; applied engineering and/or science not just theories.

A little history, in 1974 Calculus programming was introduced at a Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematicians (SIAM) conference. Two professors heading the conference would not allow this paper to be printed since they realized what it would do to their (numerical methods) field of work. (Few, if any, professors are aware of what can be achieved thru Calculus-level Problem-Solving.) Help, we need Engineering & Science professors to teach the “Find X to Optimize Y” mind-set.