Why MKL's vdsin is slower than the intrinsic sin?

Thanks @septc ! Yeah, uhm, well I just try to do the same thing as @certik did in that thread, his code is,

program avx
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(0.d0)
real(dp) :: t1, t2, r

call cpu_time(t1)
r = f(100000000)
call cpu_time(t2)

print *, "Time", t2-t1
print *, r


    real(dp) function f(N) result(r)
    integer, intent(in) :: N
    integer :: i
    r = 0
    do i = 1, N
        r = r + sin(real(i,dp))
    end do
    end function

end program

If I do

r = sum(sin(dble([(i,i=1,N)])))

it is two times faster than using MKL’s vdsin as below

    call vdsin(N,(dble([(i,i=1,N)])),j)
    r = sum(j)