Who is using stdlib?

stdlib currently has a good complement of Fortran built-in functions on general algorithms, I’ve fallen in love with fortran-lang’s fpm and stdlib, I use fpm in vs code, with the updates of the Modern Fortran plugin and Fortran language server (Thanks @gnikit a lot), The experience is getting better.

At present, stdlib and fpm still have great potential. At least stdlib has not yet connected to the perfect lapack interface. At least we don’t have inv, det, and other array calculation, which are the strengths of Fortran; fpm will become more and more easy to use as it continues to develop, of which I’m expecting improved ease of use for linked libraries in my local disk not only from the Internet.

It does take some time to compile stdlib, but if it is compiled and placed on our local disk, it is reasonable to use fpm to call it:

  1. Use CMake or fpm to compile stdlib;
  2. Store stdlib on the local disk and set LIBRARY_PATH=<path of stdlib>
  3. Configure fpm.toml:
external-modules = ["stdlib_strings"]
link = ["fortran_stdlib"]

include-dir = "../../inc/fortran_stdlib"

At present, stdlib is more convenient for ordinary users to write some small projects (maybe behave like numpy?) and learn common algorithm writing methods with certain consensus. fpm and stdlib make Fortran users feel that there are still more possibilities. As one of the basic languages, scientific computing language (Fortran) is really suitable for open source co-construction and benefit from open source.

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