Tsoding on Fortran

You can read the information I resumed here:

and this very recent message:

The best way to get introduced in the GFortran development is to contact @JerryD : he is conscious that younger people (Fortran next generation!) may prefer more modern tools, and that is why he created a Mattermost instance for developers. Well, there are of course other ways to contribute, like maintaining or improving the documentation / communication, that is as important as you have shown. All is made by volunteers with good will… I assure you will be kindly welcome and helped to start. (Note that I am not myself a GFortran developer but I am in close contact with Jerry for a long time and I try to help as I can).

Update: Mattermost is an Open Source alternative to Slack, very very similar! In fact, we used Slack for several years before they removed some free functionalities and we decided to move to Mattermost, first in their Cloud and now hosted in the Oregon university (Mattermost decided recently that free hosting would be ended).