Speed of atoi and atof vs. internal read

Below is a simple enough Julia script in Fortran style that does about the same as the Fortran code in the original post - note the timing measurement is restricted to parsing:

using Parsers

const N = 10_000_000
n = rand(-500_000:499_999, N)
str = string.(n, base=10)

@time n_parsed = Parsers.parse.(Int, str)

@assert n_parsed == n

On a given workstation the response by Julia is as follows:

C:\temp>Julia parse.jl
  0.190575 seconds (160.08 k allocations: 85.959 MiB, 28.57% compilation time)

C:\temp>Julia parse.jl
  0.192144 seconds (160.08 k allocations: 85.959 MiB, 28.82% compilation time)

C:\temp>Julia parse.jl
  0.192366 seconds (160.08 k allocations: 85.959 MiB, 28.57% compilation time)

Thus it’s around 0.192 seconds. Now note the above script sets up a jagged array of strings such that the leading and trailing blanks are removed.

On the same workstation, using gfortran and doing the same i.e., parsing strings which are left and right adjusted, the timing results are around 0.121 seconds, about 60% faster.

Click to see the Fortran code used with gfortran
! main program
program p

   use timer_m
   use num_m 

   integer, parameter :: N = 10**7
   type(num_t), allocatable :: nums(:)
   integer, allocatable :: ints(:)
   type(timer_t) :: timer
   integer :: i

   allocate( nums(N) )
   allocate( ints(N) )
   call generate( nums )

   call timer%start()
   do i = 1, N
      ints(i) = parse_int( nums(i)%digits )
   end do
   call timer%stop()
   print "(g0,f0.4,g0)", "Parsing time: ", timer%t(), " seconds."

   call assert( nums, ints )
   print *, "First: ", ints(1), nums(1)%n
   print *, "Last:  ", ints(N), nums(N)%n
   print *, "Min:   ", minval(ints, dim=1), nums(minloc(ints, dim=1))%n
   print *, "Max:   ", maxval(ints, dim=1), nums(maxloc(ints, dim=1))%n

end program

! Helper module
module num_m

   type :: num_t
      integer :: n
      character(len=:), allocatable :: digits
   end type


   impure elemental subroutine generate( num )
      type(num_t), intent(inout) :: num
      real :: x
      call random_number( x )
      num%n = 10**6*(x - 0.5 ) ! random integer
      num%digits = repeat(' ', ncopies=10)
      write( num%digits, fmt="(i0)" ) num%n
      num%digits = adjustl( trim(num%digits) )
   end subroutine

   impure elemental subroutine assert( num, n )
      type(num_t), intent(in) :: num
      integer, intent(in)     :: n
      if ( n /= num%n ) then
         print *, num%n, n
         error stop "num /= n" 
      end if
   end subroutine

   ! Simple variant for base 10 of function by @lkedward toward Julia microbenchmark
   elemental function parse_int(s) result(n)

      ! Argument list
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
      ! Function result
      integer :: n

      ! Local variables
      integer :: i, d, sign

      n = 0
      sign = 1
      loop_digits: do i = 1, len(s)
         d = ichar(s(i:i))
         select case ( d )
            case ( ichar('0'):ichar('9') )
               d = d - ichar('0')
            case ( ichar('-') )
               sign = -1
               cycle loop_digits
            case ( ichar('+'), ichar(' ') )
               cycle loop_digits
            case default
               error stop "parse error"
         end select
         n = n*10 + d
      end do loop_digits
      n = sign*n

   end function

end module

! Timer module
module kinds_m
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : I8 => int64
   integer, parameter :: P12 = selected_real_kind( p=12 )
end module
module timer_m
   use kinds_m, only : I8, WP => P12
   real(WP), parameter :: ZERO = 0.0_wp
   type, public :: timer_t
      integer(I8) :: start_tick = 0
      integer(I8) :: end_tick = 0
      integer(I8) :: rate = 0
      procedure, pass(this) :: start => start_time
      procedure, pass(this) :: stop => end_time
      procedure, pass(this) :: t => get_time
   end type
   impure elemental subroutine start_time( this )
      class(timer_t), intent(inout) :: this
      call system_clock( this%start_tick, this%rate ) 
   end subroutine
   impure elemental subroutine end_time( this )
      class(timer_t), intent(inout) :: this 
      call system_clock( this%end_tick ) 
   end subroutine
   elemental function get_time( this ) result(time)
      class(timer_t), intent(in) :: this
      real(WP) :: time
      time = real(this%end_tick-this%start_tick, kind=kind(time) ) /    &
             real(this%rate, kind=kind(time) ) 
   end function
end module
C:\temp>gfortran -O3 -funroll-loops -march=native p.f90 -o p.exe

Parsing time: .1207 seconds.
 First:      -256765     -256765
 Last:        488620      488620
 Min:        -500000     -500000
 Max:         499999      499999

Parsing time: .1225 seconds.
 First:       461273      461273
 Last:       -258333     -258333
 Min:        -499999     -499999
 Max:         499999      499999

Parsing time: .1212 seconds.
 First:      -179684     -179684
 Last:       -327573     -327573
 Min:        -499999     -499999
 Max:         499999      499999
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