Legacy Code Modernization: global common, equivalence out; modules, namelists in?

I might need a little hand-holding. How do you see this adapting to command prompts? It seems the actual variable must be encoded in the keyvars constructor, not just a string containing the variable name.

How would you construct a keyvar object at runtime that points to the correct variable based on a user-provided string?

The advantage of using user-define types in all the modules to gather the variables like a common block probably previously did is that you just add a variable to the user-defined object and the code does not have to change in the other routines, although I would imagine routines referencing it would need recompiled/reloaded. With well-chosen names the input can be even more descriptive. The disadvantage being you have to type more verbose input like color%background=“green” in some cases; but using NAMELIST groups allows you to dump the state of all the variables easily, read values from a file; etc.

So to simplify the previous example, instead of common block A and B I create user-defined variables PROP and ENV. If I want a new PROP variable I just add it where I define the type T_PROP and the other code does not change. So if I just added “prop%mass” I can just run the program and enter


without changing code anywhere else. In code where I use prop%mass it is more clearly some imported global value because it is not just “mass” but “prop%mass”; very easy to add new values; just a bit verbose. It is easy to edit the input to change some other character to % and to add an equal after the first word if you wanted, to

prop_mass 321.56

would work instead of native NAMELIST input; but using the NAMELIST syntax means you can use a language-defined standard syntax – just describe NAMELIST input and your documentation is done.

Just curious what was not appealing about that approach, as it technically met your desired features I thought.

! this file defines the variables in a group of variables defining properties 
module a
   implicit none
   type t_prop
      real :: mass=0.0
      real :: volume=0.0
   end type t_prop
   public t_prop
end module a
! this file defines the variables in a group of variables defining the environment
module b
   implicit none
   type t_env
      real :: air_temp=0.0
      real :: pressure=0.0
   end type t_env
   public t_env
end module b
! this file aggregates the various user-defined variables into a NAMELIST and
! defines a procedure to change values.
module command_line_module
   use a, only: t_prop
   use b, only: t_env
   implicit none
   type(t_prop),public :: prop; namelist /globals/ prop 
   type(t_env),public   :: env;   namelist /globals/ env
   public :: read_user_input, globals


function read_user_input() result(status)
   logical            :: status
   character(len=256) :: line
   character(len=256) :: answer
   integer            :: iostat
   integer            :: lun
   character(len=:), allocatable :: intmp
   character(len=256)  :: iomsg
      write (*, '(a)', advance='no') 'read_mode>>'
      read (*, '(a)') line
         intmp = '&globals '//trim(line)//'/'
         read (intmp, nml=globals, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg)
         if (iostat .ne. 0) then
            write (*, *) 'ERROR:', trim(iomsg)
            write (*, *) 'VALUES ARE:'
            write (*,nml=globals ) 
         end if
end function read_user_input

end module command_line_module

program main
use command_line_module, only: read_user_input, globals, prop, env
implicit none
character(len=:), allocatable :: status
write(*,'(''>Enter "stop" to end'')')
do while (read_user_input()) ! interactively change NAMELIST group
   if (status .eq. 'stop') exit
   call print_values
end do
   subroutine print_values
      write (*, '(a)')'PRINT NAMELIST:'
      write (*, globals)
      write (*, '(a)')'PRINT USER-DEFINED TYPES:'
      write (*,*)'PROPERTIES:',prop
      write (*,*)'ENVIRONMENT:',env
      write (*, '(a)')'PRINT VALUES IN USER-DEFINED TYPES:'
      write (*,*)Prop%MASS, Prop%VOLUME, Env%AIR_TEMP, Env%PRESSURE
   end subroutine print_values

end program main
$ ./a.out

Use gfortran interactive extension “?” to print namelist group

>Enter "stop" to end
> PROP%MASS=  0.00000000    ,
> PROP%VOLUME=  0.00000000    ,
> ENV%AIR_TEMP=  0.00000000    ,
> ENV%PRESSURE=  0.00000000    ,
> /
> PROPERTIES:   0.00000000       0.00000000    
> ENVIRONMENT:   0.00000000       0.00000000    
>   0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000    

Change some values

> PROP%MASS=  321.000000    ,
> PROP%VOLUME=  0.00000000    ,
> ENV%AIR_TEMP=  0.00000000    ,
> ENV%PRESSURE=  200.000000    ,
> /
> PROPERTIES:   321.000000       0.00000000    
> ENVIRONMENT:   0.00000000       200.000000    
>   321.000000       0.00000000       0.00000000       200.000000    

exit program

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Was this question directed at me as the OP? Unclear because you posted in reply to RonShepard, but you seem to touch on some items from my original post.

You as OP

(@Machalot This is just to explore various possibilities (mainly for coding experiment), so please do not care very much about my posts…)

Hi @urbanjost , as for the reasons (or “hesitation”) why people might not prefer derived types as “parameter namespace”, it may be because (i) if existing codes are not based on derived types, a significant amount of code modification may become necessary; and (ii) to reuse old codes as directly as possible, one could use ‘associate’ to extract type components from parameter objects. But with the current functionality of associate, it may be rather tedious to extract many components in every necessary routine (for comparison, some languages seem to provide capability to extract all type components at once (e.g. with in D or Pascal (?)).

RE the tediousness of adding type prefix, it might be useful to define alternative pointer variables in parameter modules (so that the parameters could be read in via derived types, while their components could be imported directly into legacy routines via USE).

module param1_mod
    type param1_t
        integer :: num = 0
        real    :: foo = 0
    type(param1_t), target :: par1

    !! To allow direct access of contents without "par1".
    integer, pointer :: num => par1 % num
    real,    pointer :: foo => par1 % foo

module param2_mod
    type param2_t
        integer :: num = 0
        real    :: baa = 0
    type(param2_t), target :: par2

    integer, pointer :: num => par2 % num
    real,    pointer :: baa => par2 % baa

    !! Can pre-define alt names for legacy codes (if USE + renaming is tedious).
    integer, pointer :: n => par2 % num
    real,    pointer :: b => par2 % baa

program main
    use param1_mod, only: par1
    use param2_mod, only: par2
    implicit none
    namelist /globals/ par1, par2

    open(10, file="test.inp", status="old")
    read(10, globals)

      use param1_mod
      print *, "param1: num = ", num, " foo = ", foo
      use param2_mod
      print *, "param2: num = ", num, " baa = ", baa
      print *, "param2: n   = ", n,   " b   = ", b

!! test.inp
par1%num = 100
par1%foo = 1.1
par2%num = 200
par2%baa = 2.2

$ gfortran test.f90 && ./a.out
 param1: num =          100  foo =    1.10000002    
 param2: num =          200  baa =    2.20000005    
 param2: n   =          200  b   =    2.20000005  

That nicely minimizes or eliminates almost all the changes to the old code while retaining t the simple locality of the variable declarations to my mind.

So a modernization using no external dependencies allowing for some additional interactive commands that allows for the values to be accessed with their original names as well as an aggregated NAMELIST group and grouped via user-defined types where only one file needs changed to add a variable, applied to the originally posted code would be …

module topical_module_1
   implicit none

   type param1_t
      real, public :: x1, y1, z1
   end type param1_t

   type(param1_t), target :: par1

   real, public, pointer :: x1 => par1%x1, y1 => par1%y1, z1 => par1%z1
   public par1

end module topical_module_1

module topical_module_2
   implicit none

   type param2_t
      real, public :: x2, y2, z2
   end type param2_t

   type(param2_t), target :: par2

   real, public, pointer :: x2 => par2%x2, y2 => par2%y2, z2 => par2%z2
   public par2

end module topical_module_2

module command_line_module
   use topical_module_1, only: par1, x1, y1, z1 ! as user-defined type and "old" names
   use topical_module_2, only: par2, x2, y2, z2 ! as user-defined type and "old" names
   implicit none
   public :: read_user_input
   public :: print_values
   namelist /globals/ par1, par2

   subroutine read_user_input(status)
      character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable :: status
      character(len=256) :: line
      character(len=256) :: answer
      integer            :: ios
      integer            :: lun
      status = ''
      write (*, '(a)') 'Enter "help" to list available commands'
         write (*, '(a)', advance='no') 'read_mode>>'
         read (*, '(a)') line
         if (line(1:1) == '!') cycle
         select case (line)
         case ('help')
            write (*, '(a)') [character(len=80) :: &
                              'READ MODE (examine and change values):               ', &
                              '  "."           return to main program               ', &
                              '  NAME=VALUE    change values                        ', &
                              '  show          show current globals values          ', &
                              '  read          read globals from a NAMELIST file    ', &
                              '  write         write globals to a NAMELIST file     ', &
                              '  sh            start subshell. use "exit" to return.', &
                              '  stop          tell caller to stop                  ', &
         case ('.')
         case ('show')
            write (*, *) 'SO FAR'
            write (*, globals)
         case ('stop', 'quit', 'adios', 'adieu', 'arrivederci', 'au revior', 'so long', 'sayonara', 'auf wiedersehen', 'cheerio')
            status = 'stop'
         case ('sh')
            call execute_command_line('bash')
         case ('read')
            write (*, '(a)', advance='no') 'filename:'
            read (*, '(a)', iostat=ios) answer
            if (ios /= 0) exit
            open (file=answer, iostat=ios, newunit=lun)
            if (ios /= 0) exit
            read (lun, globals, iostat=ios)
            close (unit=lun, iostat=ios)
         case ('write')
            write (*, '(a)', advance='no') 'filename:'
            read (*, '(a)', iostat=ios) answer
            if (ios /= 0) exit
            open (file=answer, iostat=ios, newunit=lun)
            if (ios /= 0) exit
            write (lun, globals, iostat=ios)
            close (unit=lun, iostat=ios)

         case default
            UPDATE: block
               character(len=:), allocatable :: intmp
               character(len=256)  :: message
               integer :: ios
               intmp = '&globals '//trim(line)//'/'
               read (intmp, nml=globals, iostat=ios, iomsg=message)
               if (ios /= 0) then
                  write (*, *) 'ERROR:', trim(message)
               end if
            end block UPDATE
         end select
      end do
   end subroutine read_user_input

   subroutine print_values
      use topical_module_1, only: x1
      use topical_module_2, only: x2
      implicit none

      write (*, *) 'x1 = ', x1
      write (*, *) 'x2 = ', x2
   end subroutine print_values

end module command_line_module
program main
! main program
   use command_line_module, only: read_user_input
   use command_line_module, only: print_values
   implicit none
   character(len=:), allocatable :: status

   call print_values()

      call read_user_input(status)
      if (status == 'stop') stop
      call print_values()
   end do

end program main
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@urbanjost Mainly I haven’t had time to really digest some of the more detailed suggestions on this thread, including yours. I would say @septc has hit on my first hesitation though – I think it would take a huge amount of work to implement derived types as originally proposed. But what the two of you have worked out in the last couple of posts seems very interesting and might actually be workable.

I have no experience using Fortran pointers. Would this require re-declaring all the existing variables as pointers when they are migrated into the topical modules? Can pointers be passed as actual arguments to procedures that correspond to non-pointer dummy arguments?

I am not the ultimate owner of the software in question, I am just trying to provide the team good advice for modernization.

Yes, I am afraid so… The module definition becomes longer than that the namelist approach because we need to declare all variable information again (like types, dimensions, etc). Another potential drawback is that the extensive use of pointers might prohibit some code optimization (because the target of pointers can change at run time, though not very sure about performance).

Yes, I think this is no problem. Once pointers are passed to non-pointer dummy arguments, I think they are treated in the same way as non-pointer variables.

That said, I also feel that the definition of parameter types + additional pointers are rather redundant with the functionality of modules (if those variables are treated as global variables). So overall, if I were to modernize such codes (e.g. by changing all common variables to module variables), I may start from a rather simple approach like the following (without derived types, just manually looping over different namelists in different modules). Also, if possible, I think it would be much simpler to read each namelist group separately from the input file, as usual (rather than merging all lines as in test.inp below).

module param1_mod
    integer :: num = 0
    real    :: foo = 0
    namelist /par1/ num, foo

module param2_mod
    integer :: num = 0
    real    :: arr(3) = 0
    namelist /par2/ num, arr

module io_mod
    use param1_mod, only: par1
    use param2_mod, only: par2
    implicit none

subroutine readline(done)
    logical, intent(out) :: done
    character(256) :: line
    character(:), allocatable :: inp_tag, inp_var, buf
    integer :: pos

    read(*, '(a)') line
    print '(/,a)', '>> ' // trim(line)

    done = merge(.true., .false., line == "quit")
    if (done) return

    pos = index(line, ':')
    inp_tag = trim(adjustl(line(:pos-1)))
    inp_var = trim(adjustl(line(pos+1:)))

    select case (inp_tag)
    case ('par1')
        buf = '&par1 ' // inp_var // ' /'
        read(buf, par1)
    case ('par2')
        buf = '&par2 ' // inp_var // ' /'
        read(buf, par2)
    case default
        print *, 'no match: ignoring input'
    end select

    if (.not. done) then
        print par1
        print par2
end module
program main
    use io_mod
    logical :: done
    done = .false.
    do while (.not. done)
        call readline(done)
    end do

!! test.inp
par1 : num = 100
par2 : arr(2:3) = 2.2 3.3
xyz = 777 !! invalid line

$ gfortran test.f90 && ./a.out  < test.inp

>> par1 : num = 100
 NUM=100        ,
 FOO=  0.00000000    ,
 NUM=0          ,
 ARR= 3*0.00000000      ,

>> par2 : arr(2:3) = 2.2 3.3
 NUM=100        ,
 FOO=  0.00000000    ,
 NUM=0          ,
 ARR=  0.00000000    ,  2.20000005    ,  3.29999995    ,

>> xyz = 777   !! invalid line
 no match: ignoring input

>> quit
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I was considering that concept too (except using a command line input in addition to input files): a separate namelist group defined in each topical module, which in turn are used in the command line module. The command line module would perform a kind of “try/catch” namelist read by checking each namelist group one by one and using iostat to determine if the variable was found and it should stop, or if it should attempt to read the next namelist group. If that works, this seems tighter than the derived-type+pointer approach and probably less work.

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I am trying to modernize ODRPACK95, and I would appreciate your recommendation on some matters.

For starters, I will just focus on one question. The code has quite a number of equality comparisons of reals to 0. What is the best to correct these? Should I replace them with comparisons to tiny, or is there a better way? Thanks.

real(kind=wp) :: x
! if (x .eq. 0.0_wp) then
if (abs(x) .lt. tiny(x)) then
! do something
end if

Does x represent the difference of some quantity? Or is it a scalar input value, say set by the user?

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It’s mostly some entry in a matrix, for example:

C   T:       The upper or lower tridiagonal system.
C   ZERO:    The value 0.0E0_R8.

C***First executable statement  DSOLVE

C  Find first nonzero diagonal entry in T
         J1 = 0
         DO 10 J=1,N
            IF (J1.EQ.0 .AND. T(J,J).NE.ZERO) THEN ! <=
               J1 = J
            ELSE IF (T(J,J).EQ.ZERO) THEN ! <=
               B(J) = ZERO
            END IF
   10    CONTINUE
         IF (J1.EQ.0) RETURN

C  Find last nonzero diagonal entry in T
         JN = 0
         DO 20 J=N,J1,-1
            IF (JN.EQ.0 .AND. T(J,J).NE.ZERO) THEN ! <=
               JN = J
            ELSE IF (T(J,J).EQ.ZERO) THEN ! <=
               B(J) = ZERO
            END IF
   20    CONTINUE

Context really matters here. Is it a “sentinel” value (i.e. if it’s zero I know it was set to exactly zero), or is it the result of some calculation? If it’s the former I usually do if (abs(x) <= 0), as that really is checking equality to zero, but doesn’t get yelled about when warnings are turned on (and I usually just have a helper function is_zero(x)). If it’s the latter, you need to think about what your tolerance actually is. Are you doing distance checking? At what scale (i.e. cosmological, global, mechanical, cellular)? Is it an increment of some state variable? Again, what’s the typical scale of that property (i.e. MPa, K, neutrons/cm^2, etc.)?

I use the following functions that were inspired by a pseudo code function called almostEqual given in David Kopriva’s, “Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations” book. His version used machine epsilon instead of spacing. I switched to SPACING based on a post on the Intel Fortran Forum back in 2016. Feel free to use and abuse as fits your code. The almostEqual functions allow for an optional user defined tolerance to be specified instead of using the SPACING tests. Both can be used for tests against a literal 0.0

Module equalTests

! Tests for equality to zero or between two real values


  Implicit NONE


  Real(SP), Parameter :: SPACING_FACTOR32 = 2.0_SP
  Real(DP), Parameter :: SPACING_FACTOR64 = 2.0_DP

  Interface isZero
    Module Procedure isZeroR64
    Module Procedure isZeroR32
  End Interface

  Interface almostEqual
    Module Procedure almostEqualR64tol
    Module Procedure almostEqualR32tol
  End Interface

  PUBLIC :: isZero, almostEqual


  Elemental Function isZeroR64(anum) Result(a0)

! Function to test if a double precision floating point number is
! almost zero to close to machine precision

! Code modified from post on Intel Fortran Forum 11/15/2016

! Argument variables

    Real(DP), Intent(IN)  :: anum
    Logical               :: a0

! Local variables

    a0 = (ABS(anum) < SPACING(0.0_DP))

  End Function isZeroR64

  Elemental Function isZeroR32(anum) Result(a0)

! Function to test if a single precision floating point number is
! almost zero to close to machine precision
! Argument variables

    Real(SP), Intent(IN)  :: anum
    Logical               :: a0

! Local variables

    a0 = (ABS(anum) < SPACING(0.0_SP))

  End Function isZeroR32

 Elemental Function almostEqualR32tol(a, b, tol) Result(aeqb)

! Function to test if two REAL32 floating point numbers 
! almost equal to close to machine precision 

! Code taken from post on Intel Fortran Forum 11/15/2016

! Argument variables

    Real(SP),           Intent(IN) :: a, b
    Real(SP), Optional, Intent(IN) :: tol
    Logical                        :: aeqb

    If (PRESENT(tol)) Then
      aeqb = ABS(a-b) < tol
      aeqb = ABS(a-b) < SPACING_FACTOR32*SPACING(MAX(ABS(a), ABS(b)))
    End If

  End Function almostEqualR32tol

  Elemental Function almostEqualR64tol(a, b, tol) Result(aeqb)

! Function to test if two REAL64 floating point numbers 
! almost equal to close to machine precision 

! Code taken from post on Intel Fortran Forum 11/15/2016

! Argument variables

    Real(DP),           Intent(IN) :: a, b
    Real(DP), Optional, Intent(IN) :: tol
    Logical                        :: aeqb

    If (PRESENT(tol)) Then
      aeqb = ABS(a-b) < tol
      aeqb = ABS(a-b) < SPACING_FACTOR64*SPACING(MAX(ABS(a), ABS(b)))
    End If

  End Function almostEqualR64tol

End Module equalTests

As Brad mentioned, context matters.

The snippet shown comes from the LINPACK procedure DSOLVE. Personally I would replace it with DTRSV from BLAS Level 2, and kick it out of the ODRPACK source code entirely, and simply link against an existing version on your system.

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Here are the instances you need to replace:

$ grep -n "CALL DSOLVE\(.*\)" ~/fortran/odr.f 
9932:               CALL DSOLVE(NQ,OMEGA,NQ,WRK1(I,1:NQ,J),4)
9933:               CALL DSOLVE(NQ,OMEGA,NQ,WRK1(I,1:NQ,J),2)
9940:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,WRK5,4)
9941:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,WRK5,2)
9948:               CALL DSOLVE(NQ,OMEGA,NQ,TFJACB(I,1:NQ,K),4)
9968:            CALL DSOLVE(NQ,OMEGA,NQ,WRK2(I,1:NQ),4)
10109:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,WRK5,4)
10110:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,WRK5,2)
10129:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,T(I,1:M),4)
10130:            CALL DSOLVE(M,WRK4,M,T(I,1:M),2)
11621:         CALL DSOLVE(M,E,LDE,WRK5,4)

The job argument (argument 5 of dsolve) is either 2 or 4, corresponding to the operations:

C            2   Solve T*X=B, T upper triangular,
C            4   Solve trans(T)*X=B, T upper triangular.

The corresponding BLAS calls would be

! Old
call dsolve(n,t,ldt,b,job)

! New
call dtrsv('U','N','N',n,t,ldt,b,1)  ! JOB = 2 -> Upper-triangular, Notranspose, Nonunit-diagonal
call dtrsv('U','T','N',n,t,ldt,b,1)  ! JOB = 4 -> Upper-triangular, Transpose,   Nonunit-diagonal

This test looks like it is to detect denormal numbers. This would be very different than a test against a given tol value, or even a test using spacing() or x*epsilon(x) for the relative difference of a value.

Thanks, that seems a suitable solution for those particular lines of code.

However, the use of exact equality/inequality comparisons to reals is far more prevalent. There are 53 occurrences, as one may conclude by searching for “FPT - 3087” in odr.f90.

So, I suppose I will have to address each case individually, most likely also using some of the solutions proposed by @rwmsu and @everythingfunctional.