“Funny” you should think and write that!
You will be the first to note in many, many domains, so many powers-that-be based on feedback from so many senior technical leaders are "officially declaring all use of " Fortran itself “as evil forevermore”!!
And that is due to “byzantine rules around” all kinds of semantics in the language standard and its processors that “are sufficiently complicated and nuanced as to make seemingly simple code modifications problematic”.
You will note the “evil” complications and nuances, etc. all begin with implicit mapping and on and on the list goes. The complication with ALLOCATABLE
attribute and reallocation on assignment issue with shape differences and the effect on bounds is part of a long list.
It is the J3 and WG5 committees who should take note of all these problems including what you raise here but they don’t.
There is drastic need for out-of-the-box thinking to address the problems e.g., J3 is a mere contractor, subcontract to others or WG5 gets a new contractor, or ISO / IEC itself acknowledges other contributor groups besides WG5 to standardize the language. Something has gotta give.
Or everyone can start “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” and get into differing definitions of what constitutes the “baby”. @rouson posits “non-default lower bounds” as one, for some it may be some other feature also, for others the language standard itself, and for many others all of Fortran!!!