I need to model an incline rectangle shape

Combining my two previous answers, omitting a few details, you can do something like this:

   impure function point_in_polygon(px,py,poly) result(res)

      real(wp), intent(in) :: px, py
      type(polygon), intent(in) :: poly

         subroutine pnpoly(px,py,xx,yy,n,inout)
            implicit none
            integer, intent(in) :: n
            real, intent(in) :: px, py 
            real, intent(in) :: xx(n), yy(n)
            integer, intent(out) :: inout
         end subroutine
      end interface

      logical :: res
      integer :: ires

      res = .false.

      call pnpoly(px,py,poly%x,poly%y,poly%nvert,ires)

      if (ires >= 0) then
         res = .true.
      end if

   end function

In the main program (or preferably a subroutine) you’d apply the filter:

   rho = 1.0_wp

   do j = 1, nz
      do i = 1, nx
         xx = (i-1)*hx
         zz = (j-1)*hz
         if (point_in_polygon(xx,zz,obstacle)) then
            rho(i,j) = 2.0_wp
         end if

      end do
   end do

   call output_vtk_structuredPoints("test.vtk",nx-1,nz-1,hx,hz,rho,"rho")

After refreshing Paraview you can see the point-in-polygon works, however there is some ambiguity at the edges. A pragmatic solution would be to apply a “fudge” factor to the sides of the quadrilateral. This should be a value like 10*epsilon(xx). It might also be an error in the PNPOLY routine. But generally speaking it’s a problem of your discretization method. If you are simulating wave propagation in bodies with different properties, you are bound to commit some errors at the interface. You can find a few other approaches in the excellent book, Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction, 2016, by Heiner Igel.

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