This is also the spot where you can, and want to, introduce optimizations, which IMHO advocates for simplicity of interfacing with the libraries, but I have to admit that the monkey in my brain plays the cymbals when I try to understand reverse communication.
When extending a derived data type (if I’m not mistaken) you can introduce additional dependencies. This means that I could extend my base
and add the module mpi_f08 and create anmpiOperator_dp
. In the same way I could extendOperator_dp
with openMP, or openACC and so on. Moreover, these extension are standalone from the library and thus easily testable outside. Could reverse communication be as simple/user friendly as this?
IMO it is just a matter of choosing your own poison. Some people avoid type extension and deferred bindings, others don’t like reverse communication. I think @victotronics has described reverse communication fairly when he says:
The idea is to make the function data-independent by keeping
the data entirely outside its scope. Thus for every operation on that data
you have to return, with a request parameter indicating what
operation has to be performed outside, and you have to have a way
to indicate where you resume after the operation is done.I’ve written code like this, and it’s kinda neat, but I’m not
entirely unconvinced that it’s not totally evil. Or not.
[emphasis added]
@ivanpribec I’m moving this part of the conversation here because it’s more relevant here. If I understood correctly from 30 minutes of research and this page reverse communication wouldn’t be a big deal to implement on the library side. An first test is the following:
module stdlib_krylov_PCG
use stdlib_kinds
implicit none
!! Public methods
public :: stdlib_linalg_cg
interface stdlib_linalg_cg
module procedure stdlib_krylov_CG
module procedure stdlib_krylov_CG_reverse
end interface
contains !!
subroutine stdlib_krylov_CG_reverse( n, wrk, x, info, itnum )
integer, intent(in ) :: n
real(dp), intent(inout) :: wrk(n,3) ! or 4 for preconditioning
real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(n)
integer, intent( out) :: info
integer, intent(inout) :: itnum
real(dp) :: alpha, beta
real(dp) :: p_dot_Ap
real(dp), save :: r_dot_r
real(dp), save :: r_dot_r_old
! Mapping (maybe associate?)
! p = wrk(:,1)
! Ap = wrk(:,2)
! r = wrk(:,3)
! Kr = wrk(:,4)
!cg_iterations: do itnum = 1, options%itmax
if (info == 22) then
info = 22 !request Matrix-Vector multiplication
end if
! Ap = matmul( A, p ) ! Performed outside
r_dot_r = dot_product( wrk(:,3), wrk(:,3) )
if (info == 11) then ! the matvec product has done
p_dot_Ap = dot_product( wrk(:,1), wrk(:,2) )
alpha = r_dot_r / p_dot_Ap
x = x + (alpha) * wrk(:,1)
wrk(:,3) = wrk(:,3) + (-alpha) * wrk(:,2)
r_dot_r_old = r_dot_r
! Time for test
info = 21
end if
!if ( sqrt(r_dot_r) < options%tol_dp ) then ! Performed outside
! info = 0
! exit cg_iterations
!end if
if (info == 12) then
r_dot_r = dot_product( wrk(:,3), wrk(:,3) )
beta = r_dot_r/r_dot_r_old
wrk(:,1) = beta * wrk(:,1) + 1._dp * wrk(:,3)
itnum = itnum + 1
! Time to go back to Ap
info = 22
end if
!end do cg_iterations
end subroutine stdlib_krylov_CG_reverse
subroutine stdlib_krylov_CG( A, rhs, x, xzero, info )
real(dp), intent(in ) :: A(:,:)
real(dp), intent(in ) :: rhs(:)
real(dp), intent(inout) :: x(:)
logical, intent(in ), optional :: xzero
integer, intent( out) :: info
!! Default options
real(dp), allocatable :: r(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: p(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: Ap(:)
!! Residual, search direction and other vectors.
real(dp) :: alpha, beta
real(dp) :: p_dot_Ap
real(dp) :: r_dot_r
real(dp) :: r_dot_r_old
integer :: itnum
allocate (Ap, source = rhs)
Ap = 0._dp
allocate (r, source = rhs)
if ( present(xzero) .and. xzero ) then
Ap = matmul( A, x )
r = 1._dp * r + (-1._dp) * Ap
x = 0._dp
end if
allocate (p, source = r)
r_dot_r = dot_product( r, r )
info = 1
cg_iterations: do itnum = 1, 10
Ap = matmul( A, p )
p_dot_Ap = dot_product( p, Ap )
alpha = r_dot_r / p_dot_Ap
x = x + (alpha) * p
r = r + (-alpha) * Ap
r_dot_r_old = r_dot_r
r_dot_r = dot_product( r, r )
if ( sqrt(r_dot_r) < 1.e-10 ) then
info = 0
exit cg_iterations
end if
beta = r_dot_r/r_dot_r_old
p = beta * p + 1._dp * r
end do cg_iterations
deallocate (r, p, Ap)
end subroutine stdlib_krylov_CG
end module stdlib_krylov_PCG
program main
use stdlib_kinds
use stdlib_krylov_PCG
implicit none
integer :: i,j, n
real(dp), allocatable :: A(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: L(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: U(:,:)
real(dp), allocatable :: b(:), x(:)
real(dp), allocatable :: work(:,:), ones(:)
integer :: info
integer :: itnum
n = 10
allocate( A(n,n), L(n,n), U(n,n), b(n), ones(n), x(n), work(n,3) )
L = 0._dp
do j = 1, n
do i = j, n
call random_number(L(i,j))
end do
L(j,j) = 3._dp + 3._dp*L(j,j)! sqrt(real(n))
end do
U = transpose(L)
A = matmul( L, transpose(L) )
ones = 1._dp
b = matmul( A, ones)
call stdlib_linalg_cg(A, b, x, .false., info )
print *, x
x = 0._dp
! This in a subroutine init
work(:,1) = b
work(:,2) = 0._dp
work(:,3) = b
info = 22
cg_iteration: do i = 1, 3*10
call stdlib_linalg_cg( n, work, x, info, itnum )
if (info == 22) then
work(:,2) = matmul( A, work(:,1) )
info = 11
end if
if (info == 21) then
if ( sqrt(dot_product(work(:,3),work(:,3))) < 1.e-10 ) then
info = 0
exit cg_iteration
info = 12
end if
end if
end do cg_iteration
print *, x
end program
I see the value in this kind of implementation (there is the standard cg there for reference), but I don’t see any benefit in terms of code simplicity to be honest. I will test performance though.