The lack of standard multi-dimensional arrays has been a long-standing problem for C and C++ programmers, forcing them to invent dozens of array and tensor containers. I assembled a list at some point:
- Armadillo
- Eigen
- Blaze
- Blitz++
- MTL4
- GMM++
- Boost.uBLAS
- nt2
- xtensor + xtensor-blas
- Kokkos + Kokkos-Kernels
- BLAS++
- STL (std::mdspan + std::experimental::linalg)
Each library caters to different use cases. Some are just array containers some offer extensive linear algebra (BLAS/LAPACK wrappers) and some even offer nice tensor syntax. There are downsides compared to built-in arrays:
- you need to install and configure the library
- if you write an algorithm tied to one array container, it ain’t directly reusable from other libraries (most libraries have a way to wrap an existing pointer)
- some libraries make extensive use of template meta-programming, which can be hard to develop and leads to long compilation times
I think having a Fortran-inspired library like FAR is good place for Fortran programmers to start with modern C++ when they have reasons to do so.
It should also be easy to interoperate with existing Fortran code in case needed using the advanced interoperability features in Fortran 2018. I did an example of Eigen++ wrappers before: Weather and climate modeling codes from Fortran to C++ - #41 by ivanpribec