That’s a very interesting interface - I am not sure if the interfacing plays a role on some overhead, but I’ve compared it against my own implementation of argsort
and the results are quite interesting: with gfortran, the Fortran version is always at least some ~20-30% faster than the C counterpart, see for example here:
module sorting_f
use iso_fortran_env, only: int32,int64
implicit none
integer, parameter, public :: IKIND = int32
integer, parameter, public :: ISIZE = int64
public :: argsort_f
!> Argsort: Federico's implementation
subroutine argsort_f(n,list,keys)
integer(ISIZE), intent(in) :: n
integer(ISIZE), intent(inout) :: list(*) ! indices to the sorted array
integer(IKIND), intent(in) :: keys(*) ! Array to be sorted
integer :: sorted(n)
sorted = keys(1:n)
call int_quick_sort_andlist(sorted,list(1:n))
end subroutine argsort_f
pure recursive subroutine int_quick_sort_andlist(list,ilist,down)
integer(IKIND), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: list
integer(ISIZE), dimension(size(list)), intent(inout) :: ilist
logical, optional, intent(in) :: down
integer(ISIZE) :: i, j, n
integer(ISIZE), parameter :: max_simple_sort_size = 8
integer(IKIND) :: chosen
logical :: descending
descending = .false.; if (present(down)) descending = down
n = size(list)
choose_sorting_algorithm: if (n <= max_simple_sort_size) then
! Use interchange sort for small lists
do i = 1, size(list) - 1
do j = i + 1, size(list)
if (toBeSwapped(list(i),list(j),.false.)) then
call swap(list(i),list(j))
call swaplist(ilist(i),ilist(j))
end if
end do
end do
! Use partition (quick) sort if the list is big
chosen = list(int(n/2))
i = 0
j = n + 1
scan_lists: do
! Scan list from left end
! until element >= chosen is found
scan_from_left: do
i = i + 1
if (toBeSwapped(list(i),chosen,.true.) .or. i==n) exit scan_from_left
end do scan_from_left
! Scan list from right end
! until element <= chosen is found
scan_from_right: do
j = j - 1
if (toBeSwapped(chosen,list(j),.true.) .or. j==1) exit scan_from_right
end do scan_from_right
swap_element: if (i < j) then
! Swap two out of place elements
call swap(list(i),list(j))
call swaplist(ilist(i),ilist(j))
else if (i == j) then
i = i + 1
endif swap_element
end do scan_lists
if (1 < j) call int_quick_sort_andlist(list(:j),ilist(:j),down)
if (i < n) call int_quick_sort_andlist(list(i:),ilist(i:),down)
end if choose_sorting_algorithm ! test for small array
elemental logical function toBeSwapped(a,b,orEqual)
integer(IKIND), intent(in) :: a,b
logical, intent(in) :: orEqual
toBeSwapped = merge(a<b,a>b,descending)
if (orEqual .and. a==b) toBeSwapped = .true.
end function toBeSwapped
elemental subroutine swap(a,b)
integer(IKIND), intent(inout) :: a,b
integer(IKIND) :: tmp
tmp = a
a = b
b = tmp
end subroutine swap
elemental subroutine swaplist(a,b)
integer(ISIZE), intent(inout) :: a,b
integer(ISIZE) :: tmp
tmp = a
a = b
b = tmp
end subroutine swaplist
end subroutine int_quick_sort_andlist
end module sorting_f
module sorting
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
implicit none
public :: argsort
!> Returns the indices that would sort an array
!> Arguments:
!> n: number of elements
!> list: on entry, list of indices 1..(1)..n
!> (for reverse sort, n..(-1)..1)
!> on return, the indices such that keys(list) would be sorted
!> keys: array to be sorted
subroutine argsort(n,list,keys)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, intent(inout), target :: list(*)
integer, intent(in) :: keys(*)
subroutine qsort(ptr,count,size,comp) bind(c,name="qsort")
import c_ptr, c_int, c_size_t, c_funptr
implicit none
type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: ptr
!> pointer to the array to sort
integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: count
!> number of elements in the array
integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: size
!> size of each element in the array in bytes
type(c_funptr), intent(in), value :: comp
!> comparison function which returns a negative integer value
!> if the first argument is less than the second, a positive
!> integer value if the first argument is greater than the
!> second and zero if the arguments are equivalent
end subroutine
end interface
if (n < 2) then
! list already sorted
end if
call qsort(c_loc(list),int(n,c_size_t),c_sizeof(list(1)), &
! technically, the inputs should be void pointers
! but works nevertheless
integer(c_int) function argsort_compare(a,b) bind(c)
integer(c_int), intent(in) :: a, b
argsort_compare = keys(a) - keys(b)
end function
end subroutine
end module sorting
program main
use iso_c_binding, only: c_int
use sorting
use sorting_f
implicit none
integer(ISIZE), parameter :: N = 100000
real, allocatable :: x(:)
integer(ISIZE), allocatable :: listf(:)
integer(IKIND), allocatable :: keys(:),list(:)
integer(ISIZE) :: j
real :: t0,t1,t2
call random_number(x)
keys(:) = nint(N*x)
list(:) = [(j,j=1,N)]
listF = list
call cpu_time(t0); call argsort(int(N,c_int),list,keys)
print *, keys(1:5),list(1:5)
call cpu_time(t1); call argsort_f(N,listf,keys)
print *, keys(1:5),list(1:5)
call cpu_time(t2)
! Supposed to print [ 3, 5, 6, 7]
print *, 'C time=',t1-t0
print *, 'F time=',t2-t1
end program