Faster string to double

Well tested should include:

  • Accurate results
  • Identify incorrectly formed strings - would something like “-1 .2” be acceptable? Would this result in -1.0 or -1.2
  • The pattern of acceptable strings must be unambiguous and conform to the Fortran standard.

One can follow one of three paths:

  1. the string should be a valid real or integer literal constant. Then “-1 .2” should result in error
  2. treated as read with FMT=* - then an internal space ends processing, “-1 .2” results in -1.0 - this would mimic C’s strtod().
  3. treated as read with FMT=’(Fw.0)’ where w is the length of the string - then the space would be ignored and the result would be -1.2

As we seek (AFAIU) for a fast replacement of read(string, *) x, I’d vote for no. 2, with possible optional argument returning info on whether the whole text was processed or not (as C’s strtod() returns via its second argument).

I think that there is little difference caused by using Gfortran 10.2 instead of 12. Rather, the differences are attributable to the different RTLs used by Cygwin and MinGW64. I compiled the source to an object file using Gfortran Cygwin 11.2. I then linked that object file using Gfortran 12.0 (MinGW64) and the resulting EXE ran in 6.6 seconds (compared to 30 s with Cygwin).

The second block of FortranFan’s code of #4 exposes a performance bug in the MinGW64 library function strtod() on Windows. Building the program with Cygwin and Gfortran 11.2 (Cygwin) gives a run time of 0.26 seconds for the second block. With Gfortran 12.0 (MinGW64) and with NAG Fortran, which uses MINGW, the second block takes “forever”, i.e., I got tired of waiting and aborted the run.

By adding a PRINT statement in the DO loop of the second block, I found that the performance penalty is enormous. The one million iterations of the DO loop take 0.5 s with Gfortran 11.2 (Cygwin), and I estimate 9000 s for NAG FortranMinGW (or Gfortran + MinGW), based on my observed 9 seconds for every 1000 iterations. That is a ratio of MinGW/Cygwin of 18,000 for run times!

Correction/Retraction: Sorry, there is a bug in the example code that I should have caught and corrected before blaming the library routine strtod(). The C library routine expects null-terminated strings. FortranFan’s code in #4 should have done something similar to

strings(i) = trim(strings(i)) // char(0)

or arranged for null-termination of strings(i) in some other way. Or, have I missed some aspects of the C-interoperability features that provides a null termination to strings?

It can take a long time looking for nulls that were not placed in the appropriate places.

1 Like

Based on your last two messages, it looks like a Windows Fortran programmer trying to optimize should be willing to compile her program with both MinGW and Cygwin versions of gfortran (and also WSL 2 and Intel Fortran).

Equivalencing variables of different types (integers and characters, in your code) has been illegal since Fortran 95. EQUIVALENCE itself is marked “obsolescent” in Fortran 2018

You’re right, but I don’t know any alternative which can compete with the speed of equivalence. transfer is much slower.

1 Like

Some more data points: the NAIF SPICELIB has routines nparsd (string to double) and nparsi (string to integer) with decades of heritage. To see the code, you have to download and unzip the library here. I have found that nparsd doesn’t always quite give the same answer to the last bit as the built in Fortran read.

1 Like

Yes. It’s true. I checked.

There are in this post some useful codes converting string to double fast and correctly. I’d like to pack everything in one module. Here I provide the module, testing program for

  • direct method
  • strtod (from C, namely c_st_to_r8)
  • f_strtod (namely f_st_to_r8)
  • str2real (but this one does not work. I put it here for a clear check. No. The new version works excellently. Read UPDATE 1)

Herein we can check the elemental attribution, which allows calling routine with array.


1. with Ifort (2021.6.0 20220226):

N = 1000000 , i0 = 353352
Write: time consumed = 0.3052 seconds

BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.3692 seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1046 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.1037 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0868 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0861 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
Read: time consumed = 0.0395 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0390 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 4.424E+06, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -4.424E+06
*** WARNING: A > B, (A-B)/epsilon = 1.992E+22

2. with Gfortran (8.3.0)

N = 1000000 , i0 = 727798
Write: time consumed = 0.8102 seconds

BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.6475 seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1046 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.1038 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0790 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0797 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 1.887E-15, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.665E-15
*** WARNING: A > B, (A-B)/epsilon = 7.500E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
Read: time consumed = 0.0416 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0412 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 9.649E+05, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -9.649E+05
*** WARNING: A > B, (A-B)/epsilon = 4.345E+21

Source code:

   module mod_st_to_dp
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding,   only: c_double, c_char, c_ptr, &
                                            c_null_ptr, c_long
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64, i8 => int64
   implicit none 
   public :: f_st_to_r8
   public :: c_st_to_r8
   public :: str2real
      pure & 
      function c_strtod ( str, endptr ) result(d) bind(C, name="strtod")
!!    <stdlib.h> :: double strtod(const char *str, char **endptr)
         import :: c_char, c_ptr, c_double
!!       Argument list
         character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: str(*)
!!       type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: endptr  !<- since we need pure attribution.
         type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: endptr
!!       function result
         real(c_double) :: d 
      end function 
   end interface
!  integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind( p=12 )
!  FP constants
   real(dp), parameter :: ten = 10.0_dp
!  Integer constants
   integer, parameter :: ascii_negative = 45
   integer, parameter :: ascii_period = 46
   integer, parameter :: ascii_0 = 48
   integer, parameter :: ascii_9 = 57
   integer(i8), parameter :: ten_int = 10_i8
   type(c_ptr),parameter :: endptr = c_null_ptr
   elemental   &
   subroutine  c_st_to_r8 ( str, r )
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
      real(dp), intent(out) :: r
      r = c_strtod ( str, endptr )
   end subroutine 
   elemental   &
   subroutine  f_st_to_r8 ( str, r )
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
      real(dp), intent(out) :: r
!     local variables
      integer(i8) :: n, n_exp
      integer :: lens, pos_exp, expnt
      r = 0.0_dp
      n_exp = 0
      lens = len_trim( str )
      pos_exp = index( str, "E", back=.true. )     ! <-- find the capital 'E'
      if ( pos_exp == 0 ) then
         pos_exp = index( str, "e", back=.true. )
      if ( pos_exp > 0 ) then
         call str2dec( str(pos_exp+1:lens), n_exp ) 
         pos_exp = lens + 1
      call str2dec( str(1:pos_exp-1), n, expnt )
      r = real( n, kind=dp ) * ( ten**(n_exp + expnt) ) 
   end subroutine
   elemental   &
   subroutine  str2dec( s, n, expnt )
      character(len=*), intent(in)   :: s
      integer(i8), intent(out)       :: n 
      integer, intent(out), optional :: expnt
      integer :: ipos, ic, pos_period, iexponent
      n = 0_i8
      pos_period = 0
      iexponent = -1
      if ( present(expnt) ) iexponent = 0 
      do ipos = len(s), 1, -1
         ic = ichar( s(ipos:ipos) )
         if ( present(expnt) ) then 
            if ( ic == ascii_period ) then
               pos_period = ipos
         if ( ic == ascii_negative ) then
            n = -n
         if ( (ic < ascii_0) .or. (ic > ascii_9) ) exit
         iexponent = iexponent + 1 
         n = n + (ten_int**iexponent)*(ic - 48)
      if ( present(expnt) ) expnt = -len(s) + pos_period - 1
   end subroutine 
   elemental   &
   function    str2real ( s ) result ( r )
      character(*), target, intent(in) :: s
      real(dp) :: r
      integer,  parameter :: N = 32
      real(dp), parameter :: expo(N) = &
         [1e8, 1e7, 1e6, 1e5, 1e4, 1e3, 1e2, 1e1, 1e0, &
          1e0, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7, 1e-8, &
          1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11, 1e-12, 1e-13, 1e-14, 1e-15, 1e-16, &
          1e-17, 1e-18, 0., 0., 0., 0.]
      character(N) :: equ_s
      integer*1    :: equ_i(N)
      integer*1    :: mask(N)

      equivalence(equ_i, equ_s)

      equ_s = s
      equ_i = equ_i - 48

      where (0 <= equ_i .and. equ_i <= 9)
         mask = 1
         mask = 0
      end where

      equ_i = equ_i * mask
      r = sum(equ_i * expo) * 10**(equ_i(29)*10+equ_i(30))
   end function str2real
   end module
   program main 
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64, i8 => int64
   use mod_st_to_dp
   implicit none 
   integer,parameter :: n = 1000000 !! number of values 
   character(len=30),dimension(:),allocatable :: strs
   real(dp),dimension(:),allocatable :: rval, rref 
   integer :: i, i0 
   integer :: ierr
   real(dp) :: r
   integer(i8) :: start, finish, count_rate
   real(dp),parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.0_dp) 
!  create a list of values to parse
   allocate( strs(n), rval(n), rref(n) )
!  Initializing RNG: with a dummy i
   r = util_unirand (i)

   i0 = int(n*r) + 1 

   write(*,*) 'N =', n, ', i0 =', i0

   do i = 1, n
      rref(i) = util_unirand()

   call system_clock(start, count_rate)
   do i = 1, n
      write(strs(i), '(E30.16)') rref(i)
   call system_clock(finish)
   write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Write: time consumed =', &
      (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'

   blk_io: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         read(strs(i),fmt=*,iostat=ierr) rval(i)
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during formatted read."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_io
!!    endif 
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_io

   blk_c: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call c_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_c
!!    endif 

      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call c_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_c

   blk_f: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8"
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call f_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_f
!!    endif 
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call f_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_f

   blk_4: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 4: F str2real "
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_4

10 format ( 'i =', i9, ', string(i) =', a, ', zval(i) =', e25.17  )
11 format ( /, 80('-'), /, a )
   deallocate ( strs, rval, rref ) 
!     This is the ran0 in Numerical Rrecipes in Fortran.
!     To initialize, 
!        call system_clock( idummy )
!     Do not alter idummy between successive deviates.
      function util_unirand ( idum )    result( ran0 )
      implicit none 
      integer,parameter :: rk = kind(1.0D0), ik = 4
      real(rk) :: ran0
      integer(ik),intent(in),optional :: idum 
!     local constants and variable
      integer(ik) :: k
      integer(ik),save :: idummy 
      integer(ik),parameter :: &
         ia=16807, im=2147483647, iq=127773, ir=2836, mask=123459876
      real(rk),parameter :: am = 1.0_rk / im
      if ( present(idum) ) call system_clock( idummy )
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      k      = idummy / iq
      idummy = ia*( idummy - k*iq ) - ir*k
      if ( idummy .lt. 0 ) idummy = idummy + im
      ran0 = am*idummy
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      end function
      subroutine show_err ( er, ep ) 
      real(dp),intent(in) :: er, ep 
      real(dp) :: tmp 
      tmp = ep - er
      write(*,10)  er, ep, tmp 
      if ( tmp .lt. 0.0_dp ) write(*,11) -tmp/ep 
 10   format( 'A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B = epsilon(1.0d0) =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B-A =', 1pe11.3 )   
 11   format( '*** WARNING: A > B, (A-B)/epsilon =', 1pe11.3 )
      end subroutine 
   end program 

Conclusion: (obsolete)

  • direct method: slow
  • strtod (namely c_st_to_r8): fast
  • f_strtod (namely f_st_to_r8): fastest. But the accuracy may be lost, and this issue depends on compiler. For instance, the error is about <= 7.5*epsilon with Gfortran, while with Ifort the error is <= epsilon.
  • str2real: does not work.



Based on Carltoffel’s comment, I can check his current version only with Ifort. My gfortran can not compile the code since it needs to be upgraded to the 9.x versions.

Results (with Ifort)

N = 1000000 , i0 = 84194
Write: time consumed = 0.3079 seconds

BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.3865 seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1036 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.1049 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0943 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0970 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
Read: time consumed = 0.0609 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0605 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 3.331E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.110E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 1.500E+00

Conclusion: (only from my side)

  • direct method: slow
  • strtod (namely c_st_to_r8): fast
  • f_strtod (namely f_st_to_r8): faster.
  • str2real: fastest. But the accuracy may be lost, and this issue may depend only on compiler. For instance, with Ifort the error is about 1.5*epsilon.

Source code of str2real_m.f90, in which I added the elemental attribution to call the routine with array, as in the test program. To use the new str2real, we must add the line use str2real_m to the test program.

module str2real_m
implicit none
public :: str2real

integer, parameter :: wp    = kind(1.0d0)
integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(2)
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: digit_0    = ichar('0')
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: period     = ichar('.') - digit_0
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: minus_sign = ichar('-') - digit_0

real(wp), parameter :: whole_number_base(*) =                    &
        [1d15,  1d14,  1d13,  1d12,  1d11,  1d10,  1d9,   1d8,   &
         1d7,   1d6,   1d5,   1d4,   1d3,   1d2,   1d1,   1d0]
real(wp), parameter :: fractional_base(*)   =                    &
        [1d-1,  1d-2,  1d-3,  1d-4,  1d-5,  1d-6,  1d-7,  1d-8,  &
         1d-9,  1d-10, 1d-11, 1d-12, 1d-13, 1d-14, 1d-15, 1d-16, &
         1d-17, 1d-18, 1d-19, 1d-20, 1d-21, 1d-22, 1d-23, 1d-24]
real(wp), parameter :: period_skip = 0d0
real(wp), parameter :: base(*) = &
        [whole_number_base, period_skip, fractional_base]


elemental   &
function    str2real(s) result(r)
character(*), intent(in) :: s
real(wp) :: r

real(wp) :: r_coefficient
real(wp) :: r_exponent

integer, parameter :: N = 32
character(N) :: factors_char
integer(kind=ikind)    :: factors(N)
integer(kind=ikind)    :: mask(N)
integer      :: period_loc
integer      :: exponent_loc
integer      :: mask_from
integer      :: mask_till
intrinsic :: findloc, scan
integer   :: findloc, scan

equivalence(factors, factors_char)
factors_char = s
factors = factors - digit_0

period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
if(exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
if(period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc

where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
    mask = 1
    mask = 0
end where

mask_from = 18 - period_loc
mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2

r_coefficient = sum( &
        factors(:exponent_loc - 1)  * &
        base(mask_from:mask_till) * &
        mask(:exponent_loc - 1))
r_exponent = sum( &
        factors(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) * &
        mask(exponent_loc+1:len(s))  * &
if(factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) r_exponent    = -r_exponent
if(factors(1)              == minus_sign) r_coefficient = -r_coefficient
r = r_coefficient * 10 ** r_exponent
end function str2real

end module mod_str2real

Test program:

   program main 
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64, i8 => int64
   use mod_st_to_dp
   use str2real_m
   implicit none 
   integer,parameter :: n = 1000000 !! number of values 
   character(len=30),dimension(:),allocatable :: strs
   real(dp),dimension(:),allocatable :: rval, rref 
   integer :: i, i0 
   integer :: ierr
   real(dp) :: r
   integer(i8) :: start, finish, count_rate
   real(dp),parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.0_dp) 
!  create a list of values to parse
   allocate( strs(n), rval(n), rref(n) )
!  Initializing RNG: with a dummy i
   r = util_unirand (i)

   i0 = int(n*r) + 1 

   write(*,*) 'N =', n, ', i0 =', i0

   do i = 1, n
      rref(i) = util_unirand()

   call system_clock(start, count_rate)
   do i = 1, n
      write(strs(i), '(E30.16)') rref(i)
   call system_clock(finish)
   write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Write: time consumed =', &
      (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'

   blk_io: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         read(strs(i),fmt=*,iostat=ierr) rval(i)
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during formatted read."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_io
!!    endif 
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_io

   blk_c: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call c_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_c
!!    endif 

      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call c_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_c

   blk_f: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8"
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call f_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_f
!!    endif 
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call f_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_f

   blk_4: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 4: F str2real "
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds'
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_4

10 format ( 'i =', i9, ', string(i) =', a, ', zval(i) =', e25.17  )
11 format ( /, 80('-'), /, a )
   deallocate ( strs, rval, rref ) 
!     This is the ran0 in Numerical Rrecipes in Fortran.
!     To initialize, 
!        call system_clock( idummy )
!     Do not alter idummy between successive deviates.
      function util_unirand ( idum )    result( ran0 )
      implicit none 
      integer,parameter :: rk = kind(1.0D0), ik = 4
      real(rk) :: ran0
      integer(ik),intent(in),optional :: idum 
!     local constants and variable
      integer(ik) :: k
      integer(ik),save :: idummy 
      integer(ik),parameter :: &
         ia=16807, im=2147483647, iq=127773, ir=2836, mask=123459876
      real(rk),parameter :: am = 1.0_rk / im
      if ( present(idum) ) call system_clock( idummy )
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      k      = idummy / iq
      idummy = ia*( idummy - k*iq ) - ir*k
      if ( idummy .lt. 0 ) idummy = idummy + im
      ran0 = am*idummy
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      end function
      subroutine show_err ( er, ep ) 
      real(dp),intent(in) :: er, ep 
      real(dp) :: tmp 
      tmp = ep - er
      write(*,10)  er, ep, tmp 
      if ( tmp .lt. 0.0_dp ) write(*,11) er/ep 
 10   format( 'A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B = epsilon(1.0d0) =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B-A =', 1pe11.3 )   
 11   format( '*** WARNING: A > B, A/B =', 1pe11.3 )
      end subroutine 
   end program 

Welcome to the Fortran community!
I think you are referring to the very first dummy version of str2real. Have you checked out the updated version from GitHub?


No. I will check your version in GitHub and let you know. Thank you.

1 Like

To Carltoffel:

The problem to my gfortran compiler is the FINDLOC function in your codes. The compiler does not understand that function. So, I replace

   period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)


   do period_loc = 1,N
      if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) exit 

Your code works. Here are the results from both Ifort and Gfortran.

1. Gfortran

N = 1000000 , i0 = 378457
Write: time consumed = 0.7423 seconds

BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.6479 seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1044 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.1035 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0964 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0979 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 1.887E-15, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.665E-15
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 8.500E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
Read: time consumed = 0.0580 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0603 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

2. Ifort

N = 1000000 , i0 = 284882
Write: time consumed = 0.3148 seconds

BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.4024 seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1043 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.1036 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0871 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0865 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
Read: time consumed = 0.0589 seconds
Read: time consumed = 0.0584 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 3.331E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.110E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 1.500E+00

Regarding your code, result from Gfortran is less accurate than the one from Ifort. However,
your code runs faster (with both compilers) and performs more accurate than f_strtod (with Gfortran). It may depend on compilers and on how we compile codes. In my opinion, all are acceptable. Thank you for sharing your amazing code.


Thank you for your effort to test all these routines!
I think the accuracy is lost because of the vector expression that sums the digits. Maybe I can find a way to increase the accuracy without losing much performance.

Which compiler flags did you use? -Ofast? -march=native?

Compiling with Gfortran, I use many flags:

-O3 -fstack-arrays -static -finit-local-zero -Wall -Wextra -Waliasing -Wconversion -pedantic

The flag “-O3” may be the main role.

With Ifort, I use:

-O3 -ipo -fno-alias -zero -warn unused -warn uncalled -static

Again, the flag “-O3” is responsible.

I haven’t tried your suggestions yet. Thank you.

Hi! I got really inspired by this thread and it helped me boost reading huge mesh files!! since this helped me so much I wanted to share my grain of salt in case it can be useful:

module str2real_m
implicit none
public :: str2real

integer, parameter :: wp    = kind(1.0d0)
integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(2)
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: digit_0    = ichar('0')
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: period     = ichar('.') - digit_0
integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: minus_sign = ichar('-') - digit_0

real(wp), parameter :: whole_number_base(*) =                    &
        [1d15,  1d14,  1d13,  1d12,  1d11,  1d10,  1d9,   1d8,   &
         1d7,   1d6,   1d5,   1d4,   1d3,   1d2,   1d1,   1d0]
real(wp), parameter :: fractional_base(*)   =                    &
        [1d-1,  1d-2,  1d-3,  1d-4,  1d-5,  1d-6,  1d-7,  1d-8,  &
         1d-9,  1d-10, 1d-11, 1d-12, 1d-13, 1d-14, 1d-15, 1d-16, &
         1d-17, 1d-18, 1d-19, 1d-20, 1d-21, 1d-22, 1d-23, 1d-24]
real(wp), parameter :: period_skip = 0d0
real(wp), parameter :: base(*) = &
        [whole_number_base, period_skip, fractional_base]
real(wp), parameter :: expbase(*) = [whole_number_base, fractional_base]


elemental function str2real(s) result(r)
    character(*), intent(in) :: s
    real(wp) :: r

    real(wp) :: r_coefficient

    integer, parameter :: N = 32
    character(N) :: factors_char
    integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
    integer(kind=ikind) :: mask(N)
    integer      :: period_loc
    integer      :: exponent_loc
    integer      :: exponent_end
    integer      :: mask_from
    integer      :: mask_till
    intrinsic    :: findloc, scan
    integer      :: findloc, scan
    integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
    integer      :: i_exponent
    equivalence(factors, factors_char)
    sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
    factors_char = s
    factors = factors - digit_0
    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
    exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
    if(exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
    if(period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc

    where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
        mask = 1
        mask = 0
    end where
    if(factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) sig_exp = -1
    if(factors(1)== minus_sign) sig_coef = -1
    mask_from = 18 - period_loc
    mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2

    r_coefficient = sum( &
            factors(:exponent_loc - 1)  * &
            base(mask_from:mask_till) * &
            mask(:exponent_loc - 1))
    i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
    r = (sig_coef*r_coefficient) * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
end function

elemental function str2int(s) result(int)
    character(*), intent(in) :: s
    integer :: int
    integer :: i, val
    int = 0
    do i = 1, len(s)
        val = iachar(s(i:i))-digit_0
        if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) int = int*10 + val
    end do
end function

end module str2real_m

There are a few changes with different purposes:

  1. in order to avoid the problem with white spaces or line endings (CR LF) being mixed in the string I replaced reading the exponent with the str2int function (this was also very useful for reading large arrays of integers).

  2. In order to accelerate a bit more the computation:
    2.1) Instead of computing the exponential as a sum I took directly the table of bases and constructed the table expbase(*) = [whole_number_base, fractional_base] which gives the value to multiply the coefficient.
    2.2) I stored the signs for the coefficient and exponential in two integer(1) values.

With these changes:

I used the test in the GitHub and added the following check:

call check(" 2.5647869e-003 "//char(13)//char(10)) 

There is one white space before and after the string plus CRLF at the end! this passes without problem

I also ran the tests by @tqviet ( working in Windows11 / Intel 19 / -O3 )

Before the changes I had for the Block 4: time consumed = 0.086 (both lines)
And after: time consumed = 0.073 for the loop, and 0.07 for the array


BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
         Read: time consumed =  0.6290  seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.2350  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.2320  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.1130  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.1140  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
         Read: time consumed =  0.0730  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.0700  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 3.331E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A = -1.110E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B =  1.500E+00


I tried a “simplification”:

elemental function str2real(s) result(r)
    character(*), intent(in) :: s
    real(wp) :: r
    real(wp) :: r_fraction
    integer, parameter :: N = 32
    character(N) :: factors_char
    integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
    integer      :: period_loc
    integer      :: exponent_loc
    intrinsic    :: findloc, scan
    integer      :: findloc, scan
    integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
    integer      :: i_exponent, i, val
    equivalence(factors, factors_char)
    sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
    factors_char = s
    factors = factors - digit_0
    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
    exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
    if(exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
    if(period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
    if(factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) sig_exp = -1
    if(factors(1)== minus_sign) sig_coef = -1
    val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
    r = val
    do i = period_loc+1, exponent_loc-1
        val = factors(i)
        if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) r = r + val*fractional_base(i-period_loc)
    end do
    r = sig_coef*r
    i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
    if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
end function

By computing the whole number part with the str2int function and then iterating on the fractional part plus avoiding multiplying by the exponential coefficient if not needed it brough my times down from 0.07s to 0.052s


BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
         Read: time consumed =  0.6270  seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.2370  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.2320  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.1390  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.1360  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
         Read: time consumed =  0.0520  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.0520  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B =  2.500E+00

Just the change w.r.t to previous update of the last lines of the str2real function:

    val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
    r = sum( factors(period_loc+1:exponent_loc-1)*fractional_base(1:exponent_loc-period_loc-1) )
    r = sig_coef*(r+val)
    i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
    if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)


BLOCK 1: formatted read toward string to double
         Read: time consumed =  0.6390  seconds
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.2370  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.2350  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  1.665E-16

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
         Read: time consumed =  0.1160  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.1140  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  0.000E+00

BLOCK 4: F str2real
         Read: time consumed =  0.0480  seconds
         Read: time consumed =  0.0480  seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 2.220E-16,   B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16,   B-A =  0.000E+00

My time went down now to 0.048 and the error is now B-A=0

By the way @Carltoffel I think in line 41 of your test.f90 file the test should be:

if(abs(rel_err) > epsilon(1.0d0)) then

Otherwise I was getting a print with call check(“0.1234E0”), when both values were identical to the last decimal but “abs_err = str2real_out - formatted_read_out” was returning a value smaller than the precision


Thank you @ hkvzjal for your sharing. After checking your codes and comparing them with the previous versions, I conclude that your version with UPDATE 2 runs fastest, while your other versions also show very good performance. It is very interesting!

Herein I’d like to post all modules and the testing program, as follows:

  1. Your versions:
      module mod_str2real_02
      implicit none
      public :: str2real_02
      public :: str2real_03
      public :: str2real_04
      integer, parameter :: wp    = kind(1.0d0)
      integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(2)
      integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: digit_0    = ichar('0')
      integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: period     = ichar('.')-digit_0
      integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: minus_sign = ichar('-')-digit_0
      real(wp), parameter :: whole_number_base(*) =                    &
              [1d15,  1d14,  1d13,  1d12,  1d11,  1d10,  1d9,   1d8,   &
               1d7,   1d6,   1d5,   1d4,   1d3,   1d2,   1d1,   1d0]
      real(wp), parameter :: fractional_base(*)   =                    &
              [1d-1,  1d-2,  1d-3,  1d-4,  1d-5,  1d-6,  1d-7,  1d-8,  &
               1d-9,  1d-10, 1d-11, 1d-12, 1d-13, 1d-14, 1d-15, 1d-16, &
               1d-17, 1d-18, 1d-19, 1d-20, 1d-21, 1d-22, 1d-23, 1d-24]
      real(wp), parameter :: period_skip = 0d0
      real(wp), parameter :: base(*) = &
         [whole_number_base, period_skip, fractional_base]
      real(wp), parameter :: expbase(*) = &
         [whole_number_base, fractional_base]
!     hkvzjal - version 01 
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_02(s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_coefficient
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer(kind=ikind) :: mask(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
      integer      :: exponent_end
      integer      :: mask_from
      integer      :: mask_till
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) exit 
      exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
      if(exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if(period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
      where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
         mask = 1
         mask = 0
      end where
      if(factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) sig_exp = -1
      if(factors(1)== minus_sign) sig_coef = -1
      mask_from = 18 - period_loc
      mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2
      r_coefficient = sum( &
              factors(:exponent_loc - 1)  * &
              base(mask_from:mask_till) * &
              mask(:exponent_loc - 1))
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      r = (sig_coef*r_coefficient) * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function
      elemental   &
      function    str2int(s) result(iou)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      integer :: iou
      integer :: i, val
      iou = 0
      do i = 1, len(s)
         val = iachar(s(i:i))-digit_0
         if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) iou = iou*10 + val
      end do
      end function
!     hkvzjal - version 02 
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_03(s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_fraction
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent, i, val
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) exit 
      exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
      if (exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if (period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
      if (factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) sig_exp = -1
      if (factors(1)== minus_sign) sig_coef = -1
      val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
      r = val
      do i = period_loc+1, exponent_loc-1
         val = factors(i)
         if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) &
            r = r + val*fractional_base(i-period_loc) 
      end do
      r = sig_coef*r
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function
!     hkvzjal - version 03 
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_04 (s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_fraction
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent, i, val
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) exit 
      exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
      if (exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if (period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
      if (factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign) sig_exp = -1
      if (factors(1)== minus_sign) sig_coef = -1
      val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
      r = sum( factors(period_loc+1:exponent_loc-1) *       &
               fractional_base(1:exponent_loc-period_loc-1) )
      r = sig_coef*(r+val)
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function  
      end module mod_str2real_02

  1. The previous version:
module mod_str2real
   implicit none
   public :: str2real
   integer, parameter :: wp    = kind(1.0d0)
   integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(2)
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: digit_0    = ichar('0')
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: period     = ichar('.') - digit_0
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: minus_sign = ichar('-') - digit_0
   real(wp), parameter :: whole_number_base(*) =                    &
           [1d15,  1d14,  1d13,  1d12,  1d11,  1d10,  1d9,   1d8,   &
            1d7,   1d6,   1d5,   1d4,   1d3,   1d2,   1d1,   1d0]
   real(wp), parameter :: period_skip = 0d0
   real(wp), parameter :: fractional_base(*)   =                    &
           [1d-1,  1d-2,  1d-3,  1d-4,  1d-5,  1d-6,  1d-7,  1d-8,  &
            1d-9,  1d-10, 1d-11, 1d-12, 1d-13, 1d-14, 1d-15, 1d-16, &
            1d-17, 1d-18, 1d-19, 1d-20, 1d-21, 1d-22, 1d-23, 1d-24]
   real(wp), parameter :: base(*) = &
           [whole_number_base, period_skip, fractional_base]
   elemental   &
   function    str2real(s) result(r)
   character(*), intent(in) :: s
   real(wp) :: r
   real(wp) :: r_coefficient
   real(wp) :: r_exponent
!  integer, parameter :: r10 = selected_real_kind ( P=16 )  !<-- not more accurate
!  real(r10) :: r_coefficient
!  real(r10) :: r_exponent
   integer, parameter :: N = 32
   character(N) :: factors_char
   integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
   integer(kind=ikind) :: mask(N)
   integer   :: period_loc
   integer   :: exponent_loc
   integer   :: mask_from
   integer   :: mask_till
!  intrinsic :: findloc
!  integer   :: findloc
   intrinsic :: scan
   integer   :: scan
!  integer   :: i 
   equivalence(factors, factors_char)

   factors_char = s
   factors = factors - digit_0
!! period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
   do period_loc = 1,N
      if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) exit 
   exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
   if(exponent_loc == 0) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
   if(period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
   where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
      mask = 1
      mask = 0
   end where
   mask_from = 18 - period_loc
   mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2
   r_coefficient = sum(                   &
           factors(:exponent_loc - 1) *   &
           base(mask_from:mask_till)  *   &
           mask(:exponent_loc - 1)        )
   r_exponent = sum(                         &
           factors(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) *  &
           mask(exponent_loc+1:len(s))    *  &
           base(17-(len(s)-exponent_loc):16) )
   if ( factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign ) r_exponent    = -r_exponent
   if ( factors(1)              == minus_sign ) r_coefficient = -r_coefficient
   r = r_coefficient * (10**r_exponent)
   end function str2real
end module mod_str2real


   module mod_st_to_dp
!  Fortran 2003:
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding,   only: c_double, c_char, c_ptr, &
                                            c_null_ptr, c_long
!  Fortran 2008:
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64, i8 => int64
   implicit none 
   public :: f_st_to_r8
   public :: c_st_to_r8
      pure & 
      function c_strtod ( str, endptr ) result(d) bind(C, name="strtod")
!!    <stdlib.h> :: double strtod(const char *str, char **endptr)
         import :: c_char, c_ptr, c_double
!!       Argument list
         character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: str(*)
!!       type(c_ptr), intent(inout) :: endptr  !<- since we need pure attribution.
         type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: endptr
!!       function result
         real(c_double) :: d 
      end function 
   end interface
!  integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind( p=12 )
!  FP constants
   real(dp), parameter :: ten = 10.0_dp
!  Integer constants
   integer, parameter :: ascii_negative = 45
   integer, parameter :: ascii_period = 46
   integer, parameter :: ascii_0 = 48
   integer, parameter :: ascii_9 = 57
   integer(i8), parameter :: ten_int = 10_i8
   type(c_ptr),parameter :: endptr = c_null_ptr
   elemental   &
   subroutine  c_st_to_r8 ( str, r )
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
      real(dp), intent(out) :: r
      r = c_strtod ( str, endptr )
   end subroutine 
   elemental   &
   subroutine  f_st_to_r8 ( str, r )
      character(len=*), intent(in) :: str
      real(dp), intent(out) :: r
!     local variables
      integer(i8) :: n, n_exp
      integer :: lens, pos_exp, expnt
      r = 0.0_dp
      n_exp = 0
      lens = len_trim( str )
      pos_exp = index( str, "E", back=.true. )     ! <-- find the capital 'E'
      if ( pos_exp == 0 ) then
         pos_exp = index( str, "e", back=.true. )
      if ( pos_exp > 0 ) then
         call str2dec( str(pos_exp+1:lens), n_exp ) 
         pos_exp = lens + 1
      call str2dec( str(1:pos_exp-1), n, expnt )
      r = real( n, kind=dp ) * ( ten**(n_exp + expnt) ) 
   end subroutine
   elemental   &
   subroutine  str2dec( s, n, expnt )
      character(len=*), intent(in)   :: s
      integer(i8), intent(out)       :: n 
      integer, intent(out), optional :: expnt
      integer :: ipos, ic, pos_period, iexponent
      n = 0_i8
      pos_period = 0
      iexponent = -1
      if ( present(expnt) ) iexponent = 0 
      do ipos = len(s), 1, -1
         ic = ichar( s(ipos:ipos) )
         if ( present(expnt) ) then 
            if ( ic == ascii_period ) then
               pos_period = ipos
         if ( ic == ascii_negative ) then
            n = -n
         if ( (ic < ascii_0) .or. (ic > ascii_9) ) exit
         iexponent = iexponent + 1 
         n = n + (ten_int**iexponent)*(ic - 48)
      if ( present(expnt) ) expnt = -len(s) + pos_period - 1
   end subroutine 
   end module
  1. The testing programing:
   program main 
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64, i8 => int64
   use mod_st_to_dp
   use mod_str2real
   use mod_str2real_02
   implicit none 
   integer,parameter :: n = 1000000 !! number of values 
   character(len=30),dimension(:),allocatable :: strs
   real(dp),dimension(:),allocatable :: rval, rref 
   integer :: i, i0 
   integer :: ierr
   real(dp) :: r
   integer(i8) :: start, finish, count_rate
   real(dp),parameter :: eps = epsilon(1.0_dp) 
   real(dp) :: dt(20)
!  create a list of values to parse
   allocate( strs(n), rval(n), rref(n) )
!  Initializing RNG: with a dummy i
   r = util_unirand (i)

   i0 = int(n*r) + 1 

   write(*,*) 'N =', n, ', i0 =', i0

   do i = 1, n
      rref(i) = util_unirand()

   call system_clock(start, count_rate)
   do i = 1, n
      write(strs(i), '(E30.16)') rref(i)
   call system_clock(finish)
   write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Write: time consumed =', &
      (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
   blk_io: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 1: Direct reading formatted string to double"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         read(strs(i),fmt=*,iostat=ierr) rval(i)
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(1) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during formatted read."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_io
!!    endif 
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
   end block blk_io
   blk_c: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8"
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call c_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(2) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_c
!!    endif 
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call c_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(2)
   end block blk_c
   blk_f: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8"
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         call f_st_to_r8 ( strs(i), rval(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(3) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
!!    if ( abs(rval(i0)-rref(i0)) > eps ) then
!!       print *, "Warning: mismatch during st_to_r8."
!!       write(*,10) i0, trim(strs(i0)), rval(i0)
!        exit blk_f
!!    endif 
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      call f_st_to_r8 ( strs, rval )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(3)
   end block blk_f
   blk_4: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 4: F str2real  (Carltoffel)"
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(4) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(4)
   end block blk_4

   blk_5: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 5: F str2real_02 (hkvzjal - version 01)"
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real_02 ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(5) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real_02 ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(5)
   end block blk_5

   blk_6: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 6: F str2real_03 (hkvzjal - version 02) "
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real_03 ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(6) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real_03 ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(6)
   end block blk_6

   blk_7: block
      write(*,11) "BLOCK 7: F str2real_04 (hkvzjal - version 03) "
      call system_clock (start, count_rate)
      do i = 1, n
         rval(i) = str2real_04 ( strs(i) )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (serial)'
      dt(7) = (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp)
      call system_clock(start, count_rate)
      rval = str2real_04 ( strs  )
      call system_clock(finish)
      write(*,'(A30,1X,F7.4,1X,A)') 'Read: time consumed =', &
         (finish-start)/real(count_rate,dp), ' seconds (array)'
      call show_err ( maxval(abs(rval-rref)), eps ) 
      write(*,'(/,"Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = ", F7.4)') dt(1) / dt(7)
   end block blk_7
10 format ( 'i =', i9, ', string(i) =', a, ', zval(i) =', e25.17  )
11 format ( /, 80('-'), /, a )
   deallocate ( strs, rval, rref ) 
!     This is the ran0 in Numerical Rrecipes in Fortran.
!     To initialize, 
!        call system_clock( idummy )
!     Do not alter idummy between successive deviates.
      function util_unirand ( idum )    result( ran0 )
      implicit none 
      integer,parameter :: rk = kind(1.0D0), ik = 4
      real(rk) :: ran0
      integer(ik),intent(in),optional :: idum 
!     local constants and variable
      integer(ik) :: k
      integer(ik),save :: idummy 
      integer(ik),parameter :: &
         ia=16807, im=2147483647, iq=127773, ir=2836, mask=123459876
      real(rk),parameter :: am = 1.0_rk / im
      if ( present(idum) ) call system_clock( idummy )
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      k      = idummy / iq
      idummy = ia*( idummy - k*iq ) - ir*k
      if ( idummy .lt. 0 ) idummy = idummy + im
      ran0 = am*idummy
      idummy = ieor( idummy, mask )
      end function
      subroutine show_err ( er, ep ) 
      real(dp),intent(in) :: er, ep 
      real(dp) :: tmp 
      tmp = ep - er
      write(*,10)  er, ep, tmp 
      if ( tmp .lt. 0.0_dp ) write(*,11) er/ep 
 10   format( 'A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B = epsilon(1.0d0) =', 1pe10.3,',', 3x, &
              'B-A =', 1pe11.3 )   
 11   format( '*** WARNING: A > B, A/B =', 1pe11.3 )
      end subroutine 
   end program 
  1. Result:

N = 1000000 , i0 = 847605
Write: time consumed = 0.7626 seconds (serial)

BLOCK 1: Direct reading formatted string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.6423 seconds (serial)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1039 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.1060 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 6.1831

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0922 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0896 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 1.887E-15, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.665E-15
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 8.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 6.9675

BLOCK 4: F str2real (Carltoffel)
Read: time consumed = 0.0525 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0501 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 12.2401

BLOCK 5: F str2real_02 (hkvzjal - version 01)
Read: time consumed = 0.0407 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0408 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 15.7848

BLOCK 6: F str2real_03 (hkvzjal - version 02)
Read: time consumed = 0.0405 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0410 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 15.8451

BLOCK 7: F str2real_04 (hkvzjal - version 03)
Read: time consumed = 0.0370 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0381 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 17.3503

Here, “Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 17.3503” means 0.6423/0.0370 = 17.35xxx. It shows the speed of the method with UPDATE 2 is fastest!


Update: Since I replaced the findloc intrinsic function (which is not available in my old compiler), there may be a bug in the following line:

   if ( period_loc == 0 ) period_loc   = exponent_loc

Hence, I use a logical variable (i.e. not_found) to check if the findloc does not find “period”. Herein I also include all versions in only one module, i.e. remove the module mod_str2real_02, therefore, we should remove the line

   use mod_str2real_02

from the main program above. The code runs a bit faster. (But I’m not sure if this change make such good effect.)

Here is the new version:

   module mod_str2real
   implicit none
   public :: str2real
   public :: str2real_02
   public :: str2real_03
   public :: str2real_04
   integer, parameter :: wp    = kind(1.0d0)
   integer, parameter :: ikind = selected_int_kind(2)
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: digit_0    = ichar('0')
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: period     = ichar('.') - digit_0
   integer(kind=ikind), parameter :: minus_sign = ichar('-') - digit_0
   real(wp), parameter :: whole_number_base(*) =                    &
           [1d15,  1d14,  1d13,  1d12,  1d11,  1d10,  1d9,   1d8,   &
            1d7,   1d6,   1d5,   1d4,   1d3,   1d2,   1d1,   1d0]
   real(wp), parameter :: period_skip = 0d0
   real(wp), parameter :: fractional_base(*)   =                    &
           [1d-1,  1d-2,  1d-3,  1d-4,  1d-5,  1d-6,  1d-7,  1d-8,  &
            1d-9,  1d-10, 1d-11, 1d-12, 1d-13, 1d-14, 1d-15, 1d-16, &
            1d-17, 1d-18, 1d-19, 1d-20, 1d-21, 1d-22, 1d-23, 1d-24]
   real(wp), parameter :: base(*) = &
      [ whole_number_base, period_skip, fractional_base ]
   real(wp), parameter :: expbase(*) = &
      [ whole_number_base, fractional_base ]
   elemental   &
   function    str2real (s) result(r)
   character(*), intent(in) :: s
   real(wp) :: r
   real(wp) :: r_coefficient
   real(wp) :: r_exponent
!  integer, parameter :: r10 = selected_real_kind ( P=16 )  !<-- not more accurate
!  real(r10) :: r_coefficient
!  real(r10) :: r_exponent
   integer, parameter :: N = 32
   character(N) :: factors_char
   integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
   integer(kind=ikind) :: mask(N)
   integer   :: period_loc
   integer   :: exponent_loc
   integer   :: mask_from
   integer   :: mask_till
!  intrinsic :: findloc
!  integer   :: findloc
   intrinsic :: scan
   integer   :: scan
   logical   :: not_found 
   equivalence(factors, factors_char)
   factors_char = s
   factors = factors - digit_0
!! period_loc = findloc(factors, period, 1)
!! if ( period_loc == 0 ) period_loc   = exponent_loc
   not_found = .true. 
   do period_loc = 1,N
      if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) then 
         not_found = .false.
   exponent_loc = scan(s, 'eE', back=.true.)
   if ( exponent_loc == 0 ) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
   if ( not_found ) period_loc = exponent_loc  
   where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
      mask = 1
      mask = 0
   end where
   mask_from = 18 - period_loc
   mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2
   r_coefficient = sum(                   &
           factors(:exponent_loc - 1) *   &
           base(mask_from:mask_till)  *   &
           mask(:exponent_loc - 1)        )
   r_exponent = sum(                         &
           factors(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) *  &
           mask(exponent_loc+1:len(s))    *  &
           base(17-(len(s)-exponent_loc):16) )
   if ( factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign ) r_exponent    = -r_exponent
   if ( factors(1)              == minus_sign ) r_coefficient = -r_coefficient
   r = r_coefficient * (10**r_exponent)
   end function str2real
!     hkvzjal - version 01 
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_02(s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_coefficient
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer(kind=ikind) :: mask(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
      integer      :: exponent_end
      integer      :: mask_from
      integer      :: mask_till
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent
      logical      :: not_found 
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc = findloc(factors, period, 1)
!!    if ( period_loc == 0 ) period_loc = exponent_loc
      not_found = .true. 
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) then 
            not_found = .false.
      exponent_loc = scan( s, 'eE', back=.true. )
      if ( exponent_loc == 0 ) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if ( not_found ) period_loc = exponent_loc  
      where (0 <= factors .and. factors <= 9)
         mask = 1
         mask = 0
      end where
      if ( factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign ) sig_exp = -1
      if ( factors(1) == minus_sign ) sig_coef = -1
      mask_from = 18 - period_loc
      mask_till = mask_from + exponent_loc - 2
      r_coefficient = sum( &
              factors(:exponent_loc - 1)  * &
              base(mask_from:mask_till) * &
              mask(:exponent_loc - 1))
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      r = (sig_coef*r_coefficient) * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function
      elemental   &
      function    str2int(s) result(iou)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      integer :: iou
      integer :: i, val
      iou = 0
      do i = 1, len(s)
         val = iachar(s(i:i))-digit_0
         if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) iou = iou*10 + val
      end do
      end function
!     hkvzjal - version 02 
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_03(s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_fraction
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent, i, val
      logical      :: not_found 
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc = findloc(factors, period, 1)
!!    if (period_loc == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
      not_found = .true. 
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) then 
            not_found = .false.
      exponent_loc = scan( s, 'eE', back=.true. )
      if ( exponent_loc == 0 ) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if ( not_found ) period_loc = exponent_loc  
      if ( factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign ) sig_exp = -1
      if ( factors(1) == minus_sign ) sig_coef = -1
      val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
      r = val
      do i = period_loc+1, exponent_loc-1
         val = factors(i)
         if( val >= 0 .and. val <= 9 ) &
            r = r + val*fractional_base(i-period_loc) 
      end do
      r = sig_coef*r
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function
!     hkvzjal - version 03  (the fastest one)
      elemental   &
      function    str2real_04 (s) result(r)
      character(*), intent(in) :: s
      real(wp) :: r
      real(wp) :: r_fraction
      integer, parameter :: N = 32
      character(N) :: factors_char
      integer(kind=ikind) :: factors(N)
      integer      :: period_loc
      integer      :: exponent_loc
!!    intrinsic    :: findloc
!!    integer      :: findloc
      intrinsic    :: scan
      integer      :: scan
      integer(1)   :: sig_coef, sig_exp
      integer      :: i_exponent, i, val
      logical      :: not_found 
      equivalence(factors, factors_char)
      sig_coef = 1; sig_exp = 1
      factors_char = s
      factors = factors - digit_0
!!    period_loc   = findloc(factors, period, 1)
!!    if (period_loc   == 0) period_loc   = exponent_loc
      not_found = .true. 
      do period_loc = 1,N
         if ( factors(period_loc) == period ) then 
            not_found = .false.
      exponent_loc = scan( s, 'eE', back=.true. )
      if ( exponent_loc == 0 ) exponent_loc = len(s) + 1
      if ( not_found ) period_loc = exponent_loc  
      if ( factors(exponent_loc+1) == minus_sign ) sig_exp = -1
      if ( factors(1) == minus_sign ) sig_coef = -1
      val = str2int( s(1:period_loc-1) )
      r = sum( factors(period_loc+1:exponent_loc-1) *       &
               fractional_base(1:exponent_loc-period_loc-1) )
      r = sig_coef*(r+val)
      i_exponent = str2int( s(exponent_loc+1:len(s)) )
      if( r = r * expbase(16-sig_exp*i_exponent)
      end function
   end module mod_str2real

and new result:

N = 1000000 , i0 = 55962
Write: time consumed = 0.7679 seconds (serial)

BLOCK 1: Direct reading formatted string to double
Read: time consumed = 0.6444 seconds (serial)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

BLOCK 2: C st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.1050 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.1047 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-17, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = 1.665E-16

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 6.1357

BLOCK 3: F st_to_r8
Read: time consumed = 0.0910 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0915 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 1.887E-15, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -1.665E-15
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 8.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 7.0826

BLOCK 4: F str2real (Carltoffel)
Read: time consumed = 0.0576 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0589 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 11.1965

BLOCK 5: F str2real_02 (hkvzjal - version 01)
Read: time consumed = 0.0400 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0407 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 16.1034

BLOCK 6: F str2real_03 (hkvzjal - version 02)
Read: time consumed = 0.0375 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0381 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 17.1991

BLOCK 7: F str2real_04 (hkvzjal - version 03)
Read: time consumed = 0.0346 seconds (serial)
Read: time consumed = 0.0361 seconds (array)
A = Max |rval(:)-rref(:)| = 5.551E-16, B = epsilon(1.0d0) = 2.220E-16, B-A = -3.331E-16
*** WARNING: A > B, A/B = 2.500E+00

Time consumed: Direct / This (serial) = 18.6250

@hkvzjal and @Carltoffel ,

A few weeks ago I made an attempt at porting the C++ fast_float library to Fortran (which you can find here). My goal is to have the interface support reporting an invalid number. However, without the unsigned integers and defined bit representations, the exact algorithm from the C++ library would not be portable Fortran. I initially still tried to follow their algorithm in spirit and found it didn’t end up always being faster than list-directed read. I then tried something (I think) similar to what you’ve done in str2real. I still found it wasn’t always faster. Would either of you be willing to try using your algorithm with my interface and test suite?


Hey @tqviet , thanks a lot for putting everything together!!
Just for information, I ran the tests 6 times with the findloc and with your boolean version
Compiler: Intel (x64 architecture)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.89 GHz

(results for the last version)
With findloc:

  • Loop: 0.0466s ± 0.0017 standard deviation
  • Array: 0.0460s ± 0.001 standard deviation

With boolean:

  • Loop: 0.0475s ± 0.001 standard deviation
  • Array: 0.0462s ± 0.001 standard deviation

All runs with the intrinsic gave me B-A =0,
Just 1 of the runs of the boolean implementation gave me B-A=-1.1106E-16 (on rref(i)=0.678125232773891 → rval(i) =0.678125232773892 )

@everythingfunctional I’ll take a look and try to come back soon

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