The example listed in the paper mentioned in the original post tries to intersperse IEEE
exception handling in the standard (or earlier draft of it, perhaps from the time of Fortran 2003 work). As I mentioned, I will advise staying from any such solution proposals until after the use cases are fully understood and the simpler cases are addressed.
As far as I am concerned, the current standard offers most means needed to handle floating-point exceptions. A variant of the example posted in the above paper will be as follows:
module norm2_m
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : RK => real_kinds
use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only : ieee_value, ieee_quiet_nan, ieee_positive_inf, &
use, intrinsic :: ieee_exceptions, only : ieee_invalid, ieee_all, ieee_get_flag, ieee_set_flag, &
ieee_get_halting_mode, ieee_set_halting_mode
generic :: norm2 => norm2_k1_r1
impure function norm2_k1_r1( x ) result( L2norm ) !<-- impure only for illustration using PRINT statements
! Argument list
real(RK(1)), intent(in) :: x(:)
! Function result
real(RK(1)) :: L2norm
! Local variables
intrinsic :: norm2
logical, parameter :: IEEE_ALL_OFF(size(ieee_all)) = .false.
logical :: CurrFlags(size(ieee_all))
logical :: CurrModes(size(ieee_all))
logical :: CalcFlags(size(ieee_all))
integer :: i
! Get current IEEE flags and modes
call ieee_get_flag(ieee_all, CurrFlags)
call ieee_get_halting_mode(ieee_all, CurrModes)
! Clear flags, don't set halting
call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, IEEE_ALL_OFF)
call ieee_set_halting_mode(ieee_all, IEEE_ALL_OFF)
print *, "Using norm2_k1_r1:"
! Determine the L2 norm
L2norm = norm2( x )
! Get updated IEEE flags
call ieee_get_flag(ieee_all, CalcFlags)
call ieee_set_flag(ieee_all, CurrFlags)
call ieee_set_halting_mode(ieee_all, CurrModes)
if ( all(.not. CalcFlags) ) return
! Handle the flags as desired
if ( CalcFlags(1) ) then
print *, "Handling IEEE_INVALID case"
if ( any ( ieee_is_nan(x) ) ) then
L2norm = ieee_value( L2norm, ieee_quiet_nan )
L2norm = ieee_value( L2norm, ieee_positive_inf )
end if
else if ( CalcFlags(2) .or. CalcFlags(4) ) then
real(RK(1)) :: xmax
xmax = maxval ( abs ( x ) )
L2norm = xmax * norm2( x/xmax )
end block
else if ( CalcFlags(3) ) then !<-- Unexpected case
error stop "Unexpected exception encountered."
end if
end function norm2_k1_r1
end module norm2_m
use, intrinsic :: ieee_arithmetic, only : ieee_value, ieee_is_finite
use norm2_m, only : norm2
real :: x(2), L2norm
x = [ 3.0, 4.0 ]
L2norm = norm2( x )
print *, "norm2(x): ", L2norm
! Set array elements to values that can lead to inexact L2 norm
x = huge(x)
L2norm = norm2( x )
print *, "Is L2norm finite? ", ieee_is_finite( L2norm ), "; expected is false"
- Program response by a Fortran 2018 processor of this variant is
C:\temp>ifort /standard-semantics /free norm2.f
Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.8.0 Build 20221119_000000
Copyright (C) 1985-2022 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.34.31937.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Using norm2_k1_r1:
norm2(x): 5.000000
Using norm2_k1_r1:
Handling IEEE_INVALID case
Is L2norm finite? F ; expected is false
I request the readers to note a few aspects here
- Current standard already offers fine-grained control over IEEE floating-point exceptions. Now consider, say, Fortran 202Y: an overwhelming majority of computations using this standard revision can be expected to employ IEEE floating-point arithmetic. Thus one need not, from a practical consideration, place further effort at this stage on floating-point exception handling as part of Fortran 202Y, Now, arguably, one might view the standard
facilities a bit old-fashioned and seek “wrapping” in more modern “classes” (types) for use in modern Fortran codes. But this can come later. - So, with the example here, one can see the
and thesubprogram
therein as “library” code. And notice with this “library” code, nothing new with exception handling is introduced relative to current standard i.e., no added cost. That is a viewpoint I suggest - no added cost in library codes due to any facility introduced new. - But then one gap is some unanticipated scenario where the example above calls
. So here the use case will be for the caller to supply the handler for it before the Fortran processor completes the error termination steps.