According to StackOverflow this error is typical for a double-free, i.e. trying to free a null pointer. Somehow I doubt this error is related to this procedure.
As noted in the R docs, it’s important your types have the same storage width (and representation): Writing R Extensions
My own recommendation would be to just use the C kind specifiers matching whatever R uses and pack those into a module:
module rkinds
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
integer, parameter, public :: rint = c_int
integer, parameter, public :: rdp = c_double
end module
subroutine estimate_bct_ordinal(samsize0,numG,P,CDrawsStore)
use rkinds, only: rint, rdp
implicit none
integer(rint), intent(in) :: P, numG, samsize0
real(rdp), intent(out) :: CDrawsStore(samsize0,numG,P,P)
real(rdp) :: CCan(P,P)
! ...
end subroutine estimate_bct_ordinal
On my Mac, and using gfortran, the values of rint
and i6
are the same in practice, however the intent w.r.t the goal of interoperating with the canonical R implementation is different.