Automatic differentiation of Fortran code, opinions?

Hi @lanast,

I have been through many of the Fortran options at, and as others have mentioned, the vast majority of them are no longer available or are limited to old subsets of Fortran.

May I ask which form of AD you require, Forward or Backward? For Forward mode, there are several OO libraries available, such as in flibs.

The only option for Backward mode that I am aware of is Tapenade which I can recommend highly. It is robust and works well with a wide-subset of modern Fortran. I can confirm that it can be integrated with a makefile quite nicely when installed locally. Moreover, the source-code transformation approach to AD will always provide the best performance since you can exploit compiler optimization of derivative code. Tapenade used to be closed-source and licensed for commercial use, but it now looks like it’s open source under MIT which is brilliant!

May I ask which BLAS/LAPACK operations you need derivatives for @ivanpribec? My understanding of this is that it isn’t usually a good idea to differentiate such routines, rather it is better to use the normal BLAS/LAPACK operations to implement the analytic derivative. I would recommend the following report on this topic: An extended collection of matrix derivative results for forward and reverse mode algorithmic differentiation. I’ve applied this successfully in a simple MATLAB potential flow solver to get reverse mode derivatives from the matrix inverse op.