Attempting type erasure in Fortran

Nice example! with the caveat that all shapes have the same interface, I think you can remove most of the boilerplate using a hybrid of your first and last approaches:

module shapes
   use iso_fortran_env
   implicit none

   type, public, abstract :: shape_base
       procedure(shape_base_draw), deferred :: draw
       procedure(shape_base_ser), deferred :: serialize
   end type shape_base

   type, public, extends(shape_base) :: shape
      class(shape_base), allocatable :: value
      procedure :: serialize => shape_serialize
      procedure :: draw => shape_draw
      procedure, private :: shape_assign
      generic :: assignment(=) => shape_assign
   end type shape

   ! The basic shapes
   type, public, extends(shape_base) :: circle
       real(real64) :: radius
       procedure :: draw => draw_circle
       procedure :: serialize => serialize_circle
   end type circle

   type, public, extends(shape_base) :: rectangle
       real(real64) :: width,height
       procedure :: draw => draw_rectangle
       procedure :: serialize => serialize_rectangle
   end type rectangle

   abstract interface
       subroutine shape_base_draw(c)
          import shape_base
          class(shape_base), intent(in) :: c
       end subroutine
       impure elemental subroutine shape_base_ser(c)
          import shape_base
          class(shape_base), intent(in) :: c
       end subroutine
   end interface

   interface shape
      module procedure shape_new
   end interface

   subroutine draw_circle(c)
      class(circle), intent(in) :: c
      write(*,'(A,G0,A)') "Drawing CIRCLE: { R = ", c%radius, "}"
   end subroutine
   impure elemental subroutine serialize_circle(c)
      class(circle), intent(in) :: c
      print *, "CIRCLE ", c%radius
   end subroutine

   subroutine draw_rectangle(c)
      class(rectangle), intent(in) :: c
      write(*,'(A,G0,A,G0,A)') "Drawing RECTANGLE { W = ", c%width, &
                                       ", H = ", c%height, "}"
   end subroutine
   impure elemental subroutine serialize_rectangle(c)
      class(rectangle), intent(in) :: c
      print *, "RECTANGLE ", c%width, c%height
   end subroutine

   subroutine shape_draw(c)
      class(shape), intent(in) :: c
      if (allocated(c%value)) then
         call c%value%draw()
         stop 'trying to draw an empty shape'
   end subroutine

   impure elemental subroutine shape_serialize(c)
      class(shape), intent(in) :: c
      if (allocated(c%value)) then
         call c%value%serialize()
         print *, "EMPTY "
   end subroutine

   ! Shape initializer
   subroutine shape_assign(lhs,rhs)
       class(shape), intent(inout) :: lhs
       class(shape_base), intent(in) :: rhs
       if (allocated(lhs%value))deallocate(lhs%value)
   end subroutine shape_assign

   ! Shape initializer
   type(shape) function shape_new(rhs) result(lhs)
       class(shape_base), intent(in) :: rhs
   end function shape_new

end module shapes

!> Let's see where the use of interfaces and generics
!> have brought us

program process_shapes

   use shapes
   implicit none

   call demo1()
   call demo2()


   subroutine demo1()
      type(shape) :: shape_scalar
      type(shape) :: shape_array(3)

      write(*,'(A,/)') "Demo 1"

      !> We can construct a scalar shape by chaining the structure
      !> constuctors
      shape_scalar = circle(42.)
      call shape_scalar%serialize()

      !> To construct an array of shapes, it would be nice if we could
      !> use an an array constructor with automatic conversion:
      ! shape_array = [ shape :: &
      !     circle(10.), &
      !     rectangle(4.,5.), &
      !     circle(12.)]
      !> Unfortunately, this doesn't work currently, and leads the the
      !> following errors:
      !>    gfortran - Error: Cannot convert TYPE(circle) to TYPE(shape_base)
      !>    ifort - Catastrophic error: **Internal compiler error**

      ! So instead we just assign the shapes one by one
      ! (again it would be nice to have an implicit conversion)
      shape_array(1) = circle(10.)
      shape_array(2) = circle(5.)
      shape_array(3) = rectangle(width=12.,height=14.)

      ! Since the procedure is elemental, we can easily serialize
      ! the whole array
      call shape_array%serialize()

      ! We can copy an existing shape, preserving the shape
      shape_scalar = shape_array(1)
      call shape_scalar%serialize()

      ! And we can also instantiate a shape from another shape
      ! (on the condition we overloaded the structure constructor)
      shape_scalar = shape_array(3)
      call shape_scalar%serialize()
   end subroutine

   subroutine demo2()

      type(shape), allocatable :: scrapbook(:)

      write(*,'(/,A,/)') "Demo 2"

      scrapbook = [shape(circle(10.0))]
      scrapbook = [scrapbook, shape(rectangle(12.,12.))]

      call scrapbook%serialize()
   end subroutine

end program
  • Full inheritance => no need to keep redefining interfaces or using select types
  • Just a bit verbose array constructor (at least with gfortran)

*** EDIT ***

Small improvement: to prevent unwanted nested types, without loss of generality, the assignment routine can be modified as

   subroutine shape_assign(lhs,rhs)
       class(shape), intent(inout) :: lhs
       class(shape_base), intent(in) :: rhs
       if (allocated(lhs%value))deallocate(lhs%value)
       ! Prevent nested derived type
       select type (rhsT=>rhs)
          class is (shape);  if (allocated(rhsT%value)) allocate(lhs%value,source=rhsT%value)
          class default;     allocate(lhs%value,source=rhsT)
       end select
   end subroutine shape_assign

Array handling also works:

   subroutine demo3()

     type(shape), allocatable :: array(:),chunk(:)
     integer :: i

     write(*,'(/,A,/)') "Demo 3"

     do i=1,10
        array = [array,shape(circle(real(i)))]
     end do

     chunk = array(2:8:2)
     call chunk%serialize()

   end subroutine demo3


Demo 3

 CIRCLE    2.0000000000000000     
 CIRCLE    4.0000000000000000     
 CIRCLE    6.0000000000000000     
 CIRCLE    8.0000000000000000