Anecdotal Fortran... :-)

The presentation by John Collins (SimCon) about fpt (see the monthly video call by April 22nd, 2021; the recording, the enterprise he contributes to) might be a suitable reference for your task ahead.

It was right about bringing larger libraries of elder FORTRAN to Fortran, improving consistency in the declaration and use of variables, etc. which, if done manually, would not be an efficient use of time and brain.

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Art1 by Richard Williams, 1968

Art1 is a program that was written by Richard Williams in 1968. Its purpose was to give non-progammers access to an IBM System/360 Model 40 computer at the University of New Mexico in order to explore artistic and aesthetic uses of the machine. Williams, an engineer at Sandia National Laboratories, collaborated with artists Charles Mattox, Frederick Hammersley, Kathernine Nash, and others on the UNM faculty. This early period of computer art is described in Patrick Frank’s recent book, “Sharing Code: Art1, Frederick Hammersley and the Dawn of Computer Art.” [1] Art1 was disseminated to other institutions, especially through the efforts of Kathernine Nash, including to the University of Minnesota and the Computer Arts Society in the UK. Williams’ description of Art1 appears in Jasia Reichardt’s 1971 book, “The Computer in Art.” [2]

Williams wrote Art1 in Fortran IV. The program provided six elementary “drawing” routines of lines, open and closed rectangles, ellipses, triangles, and exponential curves, set in a composition space of two 50 by 105 character arrays (AR1 and AR2). A seventh routine mirrors the top left quadrant of a composition to the other three quadrants. A running Art1 program received input from the user as a set of punch cards. The program’s output, which included runtime information and the drawing, was printed on an IBM 1403 line printer. Because Art1 works are composed of printed characters, they are an early example of “ASCII art”, albeit within a more abstract space than Kenneth Knowlton and Leon Harmon’s photomosaics.

Hammersley in particular systematically explored the Art1 program. His extensive archives [3] document a meticulous study during the period spanning from late 1968 through early 1971. Hammersley’s use of overprint and especially simple overlapping shapes produced many sublime pieces. In David Pagel’s review of a 2013 restrospective, he writes, “Hammersley’s drawings show an inventive mind having a blast as it turns simple grids of letters, numerals and punctuation marks into eccentric compositions that are a pleasure to look at – as fresh with insight and surprising delight as the moment they were made.” [4]

Using an available listing of the original Fortran code, the Art1 program can be compiled with a modern Fortran compiler.

The Art and Music section of Fortran code on GitHub now has

Art1: Art1 is a program that was written by Richard Williams in 1968. Its purpose was to give non-progammers access to an IBM System/360 Model 40 computer at the University of New Mexico in order to explore artistic and aesthetic uses of the machine.

formidi: small Fortran MIDI sequencer for composing music and exploring algorithmic music, by vmagnin

forsynth: small Fortran synthesizer to explore sound synthesis, sound effects, electronic music, algorithmic music, etc, by vmagnin

MUSICV: Max Mathew’s MUSIC V synthesis program, prepared by Bill Schottstaed for gfortran, with additions and fixes by Victor Lazzarini.

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That’s great @Beliavsky that you found a version of MUSIC V.

A description of the programs can be found in the book “The Technology of Computer Music” by Mathews. I’ve managed to obtain a physical copy of the book via Amazon. If anyone would like a preview or excerpts from the book send me a PM.

A compilable source for the Xenakis program can be found now at GitHub - ThemosTsikas/XenakisFreeStochasticMusicFortran: working versions of a Xenakis FORTRAN program (Xenakis 1971 Formalized Music p 149) (thanks to @rjs62 for transcribing).


Thanks, themos, for putting this up on GitHub.
Is there a compiler on which this runs in its current state?
From the code as given in Xenakis’s book, I was unable to determine how the input data was to be read in, which is why transcribed that to a file and then adapted the code to read from there. (This is not shown in the version on GitHub.) I’ll be interested to see if there are other ways of handling that.

It compiles with the NAG Fortran Compiler. It doesn’t build an executable because of (the lack of) all the external procedures. Later versions will sort that out. And then we will figure out the I/O. github has an Issues tab for querying the maintainer, we can take discussions there.

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Of the Fortran chess programs on GitHub, the one I could compile and understand how to play against is fortranchessprogram. Moves are entered in notation such as e2-e4, and the board is displayed as text. The program has 673 lines with a single module to store the position. There is an EVALUATE function to assess positions, subroutines to display the board and accept and print moves, and separate subroutines defining how each piece moves. It handles castling and pawn promotion, but it moves its queen too much. I use the Beliavsky moniker because I am a chess fan.


There are news stories about the 40th anniversary of the IBM personal computer. Lahey produced its first IBM PC Fortran compiler in 1984. Some anecdotes about the founder are discussed in a 2007 comp.lang.fortran thread fortran, Tom Lahey's Fortran experiences , and Lahey himself comments in post #12 (and is quoted in the original).

A Lahey newsletter from 2000 has an article on Fortran and the Space Program.

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The sculptor Rémy Tassou, inventor of the “Cybertrash”, is interested in the waste of the electronic age. His sculptures are made from components recovered from machines that are out of order, irreparable, outdated or simply out of date. He assembles them to create powerful wall sculptures and totems.

Two of its 2007 sculptures are named “Fortran”:

See the gallery for more sculptures: Gallery -

Articles and events, not purely retrospective, should be prepared for the 75th anniversary of Fortran in 2022. Here is the program of a conference to mark the 50th anniversary.

Fifty Years of Fortran: Meeting organised jointly by the Fortran Specialist Group and the Computer Conservation Society

11.00 a.m. Thursday 25th January, 2007
BCS London Office,


Morning Session - Chairman Roger Johnson , Chairman Computer Conservation Society
11.00 Welcome and Introduction
Roger Johnson
11.05 The Origins of FORTRAN (available as 2.48MB .ppt file or 3.83MB PDF file)
Including the 25th Anniversary celebrations in 1982 and followed by a screening of the IBM film of interviews with John Backus and colleagues - Peter Crouch , Chairman Fortran Specialist Group

An article based on this presentation has been published in the Computer Conservation Society’s Resurrection magazine. A bibliography for the article is available on the Contributions page

11.30 Early Experiences and Use of FORTRAN
Bugs I Have Known and Loved - Ron Bell , AWE Aldermaston (available as 94KB .ppt file or 635KB PDF file)

Using the first KDF9 FORTRAN compiler to implement APT in 1965-6 - Miles Ellis , former Convenor ISO Fortran Working Group (available as 57KB .ppt file or 93KB PDF file)

Early experiences with FORTRAN I on IBM 704 computers in Paris, Dusseldorf, Risley and The Hague - 1959 to 1964 - Bill Olle (available as 222KB .ppt file or 724KB PDF file)

FORTRAN versus Algol - David Hill , formerly MRC

Written Contributions and Further Information

12.30 The background to the long gap between the 1977 and 1990 standards
The Standards Hiatus - Miles Ellis , former Convenor ISO Fortran Working Group and Lawrie Schonfelder , Liverpool University (available as 69KB .ppt file or 1.72MB PDF file)
Another view - from the 1990s
The Fortran (not the foresight) saga: the light and the dark - the late Brian Meek , King’s College, London

Afternoon Session - Chairman Peter Crouch
14.00 Implementing the Standards - including Fortran 2003
Malcolm Cohen , Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd

14.30 Fortran Today - some current applications for Fortran
Fortran - Alive and Well at AWE - Ron Bell , AWE Aldermaston (available as 87KB .ppt file or 499KB PDF file)

The Met Office climate model HadSM3 and - Michael Saunby , Met Office’s Hadley Centre for Climate Change (available as 3.77MB .ppt file or 1.14MB .PDF file)

15.30 The Future for Fortran - the current and next versions of the ISO standard
The new features of Fortran 2003 - David Muxworthy , BSI Fortran Convenor (available as 667KB .ppt file or 483KB PDF file)

What will be in Fortran 2008 - John Reid , Convenor ISO Fortran Working Group

Photos taken at the meeting are available courtesy of Jane Sleightholme and John Reid

David Muxworthy wrote a report of the meeting which was published in Fortran Forum, Vol 26, No 1, April 2007.

See here for written contributions to the meeting and further information


The Fortran Traffic Systems Limited company, working in the traffic industry, has filed a US trademark application on the 2019-12-05 for the FORTRAN™ trademark:

Status (2021-09-01 UTC): the trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and that this application has been assigned to an examiner.

Isn’t 2022 premature for the 75th anniversary? 1956+75 = 2031.

Or do I need a nap?

I posted that at 11pm and clearly needed to sleep. With all the projects underway I hope there will be much to celebrate in 2031.

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With all the efforts people are making, I’m pretty sure your hopes will be realized!

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Hmm, I wonder if the Fortran community is ready to take on a trademark lawsuit from Fortran Traffic Systems Ltd., and who will win at the end. :joy:

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Money would win, sure! :wink:


Of course, all we need to do is avoid the specific style covered by that trademark. The word “Fortran” itself can’t be trademarked.

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Another Fortran company, not related to the language:

And another with the same name in Canada, which seems to be unrelated to the previous one:

Does the Fortran word means something in English? Or is it a family name in Canada or India?




I love it, but I’m a little worried that some would consider the picture to represent the current state of the language!

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