Anecdotal Fortran... :-)

The Fortran code of the IBM 360 Scientific Subroutine Package, I think from 1968, can be downloaded from . IBM has not open-sourced it AFAIK, so I would not try to use it in production. I can compile 356 out of 360 source files with gfortran -c -std=legacy, after I replace constants such as 1.E75 with huge(1.0). Pretty good for a library that is almost 60 years old. Documentation is at System/360 Scientific Subroutine Package. The algorithms listed should be considered for stdlib if they are not already present. The topics are


Probit analysis

Analysis of variance (factorial design)

Correlation analysis

Multiple linear regression

Stepwise regression

Polynomial regression

Canonical correlation

Factor analysis (principal components, varimax)

Discriminant analysis (many groups)

Time series analysis

Data screening and analysis

Nonparametric tests

Random number generation (uniform, normal)

Distribution functions



Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Simultaneous linear algebraic equations


Matrix arithmetic (addition, product, etc.)

Matrix partitioning

Matrix tabulation and sorting of rows or columns

Elementary operations on rows or columns of matrices

Matrix factorization

Integration and differentiation of given or tabulated functions

Solution of systems of first-order differential equations

Fourier analysis of given or tabulated functions

Bessel and modified Bessel function evaluation

Gamma function evaluation

Jacobian elliptic functions

Elliptic, exponential, sine cosine, Fresnel integrals

Finding real roots of a given function

Finding real and complex roots of a real polynomial

Polynomial arithmetic (addition, division, etc.)

Polynomial evaluation, integration, differentiation

Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre, Legendre polynomials

Minimum of a function

Approximation, interpolation, and table construction