Getting recognition for your research software

As you may now, developing a research software is a hard task that often lacks recognition in the academic world. And even more if it is a rather generalistic tool. But things are slowly changing. This is an interesting paper on that subject :

Laura Soito, Lorraine J Hwang, “Citations for Software : Providing Identification, Access and Recognition for Research Software”, International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol 11, No 2 (2016), doi:10.2218/ijdc.v11i2.390. View of Citations for Software: Providing Identification, Access and Recognition for Research Software

This page lists journals where you can publish a paper about your software :

See also: publications - Venues for publishing papers that emphasize software - Computational Science Stack Exchange

Personally, for my project, I was happy with the Journal of Open Source Software. You fill metadata about the software and you write a short paper. After a pre-review process (dialog with the editor, search for reviewers), the review process begins. It concerns mainly the software and its documentation. Note that the review is an open process (Issues · openjournals/joss-reviews · GitHub). When your paper is accepted, you obtain a DOI for the paper. But you are also asked to obtain a DOI for the software, using for example Zenodo in GitHub. No publication fee. Open Access. For more information, you can read Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) : design and first-year review published in December 2017.

Of course, we now also have FortranCon for things that can interest more generally Fortran programmers.

What are your opinion and experience about getting recognition for your research software?

I agree, developing research codes lacks of recognition although it is essential.

In my case, I’m trying to publish some theoretical developments with some results/test cases in an establish journal of my domain. Then, I add a reference for the code (web page and now github) and I’m planning to add also the DOI (with Zenodo).

Then hopefully, this work and the code will be known by colleagues of my academic domain.

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this if you come from physics and some bits of chemistry is a decent place

and has been for some years…

second part of this lecture is an interesting one


Computation (ISSN 2079-3197; CODEN: COMPGT) is a peer-reviewed journal of computational science and engineering published monthly online by MDPI.