A Comparison of Programming Languages in Economics

The 4th edition of Chapman’s book uses upper case for keywords but not variable names or intrinsic functions. Here is one of the first programs in the book.

! Purpose:
! This program solves for the roots of a quadratic equation of the form
! A * X**2 + B * X + C = 0. It calculates the answers regardless of the
! type of roots that the equation possesses (Fortran 95/2003 style).
! Declare the variables used in this program
REAL :: a ! Coefficient of X**2 term of equation
REAL :: b ! Coefficient of X term of equation
REAL :: c ! Constant term of equation
REAL :: discriminant ! Discriminant of the equation
REAL :: imag_part ! Imaginary part of equation (for complex roots)
REAL :: real_part ! Real part of equation (for complex roots)
REAL :: x1 ! First solution of equation (for real roots)
REAL :: x2 ! Second solution of equation (for real roots)
! Prompt the user for the coefficients of the equation
WRITE (*,*) 'This program solves for the roots of a quadratic '
WRITE (*,*) 'equation of the form A * X**2 + B * X + C = 0. '
WRITE (*,*) 'Enter the coefficients A, B, and C:'
READ (*,*) a, b, c
! Echo back coefficients
WRITE (*,*) 'The coefficients A, B, and C are: ', a, b, c
! Calculate discriminant
discriminant = b**2 - 4. * a * c
! Solve for the roots, depending upon the value of the discriminant
IF ( discriminant > 0. ) THEN ! there are two real roots, so...
X1 = ( -b + sqrt(discriminant) ) / ( 2. * a )
X2 = ( -b - sqrt(discriminant) ) / ( 2. * a )
WRITE (*,*) 'This equation has two real roots:'
WRITE (*,*) 'X1 = ', x1
WRITE (*,*) 'X2 = ', x2
ELSE IF ( discriminant == 0. ) THEN ! there is one repeated root, so...
x1 = ( -b ) / ( 2. * a )
WRITE (*,*) 'This equation has two identical real roots:'
WRITE (*,*) 'X1 = X2 = ', x1
ELSE ! there are complex roots, so ...
real_part = ( -b ) / ( 2. * a )
imag_part = sqrt ( abs ( discriminant ) ) / ( 2. * a )
WRITE (*,*) 'This equation has complex roots:'
WRITE (*,*) 'X1 = ', real_part, ' +i ', imag_part
WRITE (*,*) 'X2 = ', real_part, ' -i ', imag_part

Recent Fortran textbooks usually do present codes that follow recent standards. It’s the books that use Fortran but are not primarily about Fortran that often do not, for example here (the book is not published yet – maybe the codes will be revised).